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Date Posted: 13:39:21 04/25/07 Wed
Author: No name
Subject: Re: black panthers or other large cats in eastern ky.
In reply to: CSARAIDER 's message, "Re: black panthers or other large cats in eastern ky." on 11:57:18 04/20/07 Fri

>>i live in estill county and all of my life i have
>>heard stories of people seeing or hearing large black
>>panthers or some kindof large cat that they claim is
>>much bigger than a german sheperd. this is not to be
>>confused with bobcats or wildcats. i mean basically
>>this is considered common knowledge by some folks.
>>most people have only heard them and they claim it
>>sounds like a woman screaming only higher pitched. one
>>friend who coon hunts with his dogs, claimed first
>>that his dogs were mean and usually afraid of nothing,
>>and second that on occasion his coon dogs have cried
>>like babies because the alleged black panthers were
>>near. also, a friend of mine from breathitt county
>>told me he has heard many tales like this in that
>>county also. anyway if anyone has heard such stories
>>or seen one let me know
>Since I was a child (many years ago) I have heard the
>same stories about a critter in Scott County

I live in Johnson County and there have been many encounters with the black panther there. When I was a kid my family was woke up in the middle of the night by this loud shrieking sound. My mom thought it was a kid in the hills. My dad knew exactly what it was so he grabbed his mining light and shined it up on the hill. Almost immedietly the screaming was gone. A few years later I actually saw a panther. It was of the morning and it was not quit daylight outside but not completly dark either. I watched out the window as it walked down off the hill, across the creek and driveway, and up the other hillside into the hills. A few years after that my brother saw one in the late evening. My dad use to raise and kill hogs. Everytime he did you could hear one screaming up in the hills. I guess they could smell the blood or something.
Growing up my dad had several encounters with black panthers. Seems like years ago people would see them a lot more often then now.

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