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Date Posted: 21:55:47 08/05/02 Mon
Author: the truth
Subject: Re: Terry
In reply to: Herm 's message, "Terry" on 22:53:14 08/03/02 Sat

>I want to put to bed the rumors that I am involved in
>group sex,,,,that is a rumor,,,that terry likes to
>spread around ,,,,his sex life has become something
>that he just cant cant seem to get a "hand "
>on....well maybe he can,,,He has called me gay and now
>he is saying that I am involved in something ugly,,and
>the only group that will have his is not one I ), the
>great white hunter to come down and save them will be
>very disappointed they find out his wife
>is a better shot than he is,,,,so Terry I want to see
>you heart PUNCH Sunday,,,that is where I will open a
>can of whup ass,,,,good night,,,and good luck ,,,,

Craig you talk bad now but I'll wait until you have one of your episodes then I'll circle to the left. I know I'm in terrible shape, but I could still go 2 1/2 minutes, no I don't mean sex just fightin'.
Just for the record my lovely wife gave the dog a bath Saturday. No big deal except that she left the dog shampoo in the tub. I of course got it confused with the suave crap she buys for me and used it. I happened to notice it yesterday.

Wondered why I had the overwhelming desire to lick my privates all day Sunday. Maybe that wasn't so unusual after all. Bye for now. I got to go sniff a few of the neighbors

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