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Broken Glacier Valley

*~*You are padding along,limping a bit.All around you you see ice,snow,glaciers,and the wind whirling things around.Your paws are sore,cut,and raw from walking on the sharp ice on the glaciers.You howl in pain as your pad gets scraped with a jagged peice of ice.An echoing howl is heard to your left.Then a large black male slinks out of the shadows.Then,as if by signal,wolves from all around you step out of the shadows,a hungry glint in their eyes.They all watch your every move,as though waiting for you to die,so they can eat,or as though they can kill you.Snarling is heard from all of the wolves,as they circle you and the black mascu.Then the male turns his attention to you,and an icy chill goes throughout your whole body,and you can't move an inch. He speaks. *~* ~What are you doing here?! I am Rensalius, alpha male of this tt. If we find you worthy of such a pack as this, we may allow you in. This is Crimson, the alpha female of this pack.~ A large, blood-red/black female pads up, snickering at the effect her silver-blue eyes seem to have on you.*~* ~If you are a light,you better watch your back!~ *~*With that they both disappear into the shadows,letting your decide your fate.But still the hungry wolves watch you,awaiting you to make a mistake,so they have a reason to kill you.*~*

Alpha Female:Crimson~~
Alpha Male:Rensalius

Back-up Female:Risk
Back-up Male: Torture

Beta Female:Hnh, think you can earn it?
Beta Male:All in the cards

Delta Female:nope,searching
Delta Male:nope,don't think so,searching

Evata Female:I'm looking,I'm looking
Evata Male:hold ya horses!

Elipson Female: Don't think so.
Elipson Male:Riiiight. . .

Omega Female:apply..
Omega Male:apply..

Nightfire, Enigma
Underlings/Unranked Members:

Rensalius x Crimson
Torture x Risk

RENSALIUS!!! e-mail me!!! Need to talk to ya!!!



Snow and ice still kiss the high peaks surrounding the valley. Rain/sleet is raining down almost constantly. . .any water source has burst it's banks, the Valley now resembles an icy mud puddle.

>|< Allies >|<
The Underworld
Shadowed Forest

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