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Date Posted: 14:51:40 03/07/03 Fri
Author: Risk, Rensalius, Nightfire and Enigma
Subject: /high stakes\ >>shadows of the flames<<

/ravenness walks around, black coat muddied from the watery conditions. crystals search the terra, and she lets forth a quiet howl\

>>the black brute answers the distant call with a quiet howl of his own, then turns to his growing children. watching them roll about, he smiles and sighs<< Try and stay out of the mud, will you?

].the small female pup growls ferociously at her brother, before turning to her large father.[ Yes, Dad... ].she sighs and rolls her eyes, then turns to her brother and yips.[

:the male pup returns her challenge with a lazy growl, his large frame still and steady. of the two youngsters, he was obviously larger, growing at a speed that nearly made him twice the size of the female. he bats her with a gentle paw, only to yelp as she grasps it with sharp teeth: Enigma! No teeth! :he growls and bats her again, keeping his paw well away from her muzzle:

((OOC: Crimson... I'm so forgetfull. What color are the pups again? Sorry, it's been awhile))

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[> ..::The Red::.. -- Crimson, 15:11:00 03/08/03 Sat

Gentle! Gentle! The blood-tinted black femme called out to the pups from atop a nearby boulder. Her silver-blue eyes passed over the fire-kissed black male and the black female to Rensalius. She winked at him then looked back to the pups. Sliding down from the rock she nuzzled them, looking into their eyes. Their eyes were beginning to change color. She couldn't quite tell what color Enigma's were. . .but Nightfire's were streaked with a shocking firey yellow-orange. You'll have plenty of opportunities to be "rough" later. Grinning, she nuzzled her pups again and then turned to Ren, nuzzling him. How are you?
Before he answered, she sent out a greeting howl to Risk, whom she had heard before.

((OOC: I can't remember what color Enigma's eyes are supposed to be. . .dang, that was a lot to try and squeeze into one post!))

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[> [> /high stakes\ >>shadows in the flames<< -- Risk, Ren, Nightfire, Enigma, 17:37:01 03/11/03 Tue

/the raveness gives another call before wandering off somewhere\

>>the male nudges his mate gently, a smile crossing his lips<<

].the female smiles and walks towards her mother.[ Mom... Hi. ].after a moment, her attention span decidely short, she gallivants off again, tackling her brother.[

:the male yips and nuzzles his mother, glaring at his sister. calm washes over him, and he settles down to watch the group with his odd eyes:

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[> [> [> ..::The Red::.. -- Crimson, 14:05:06 03/12/03 Wed

She leans against Ren with a grin as she gently bats at Nightfire. Go play with your sister.

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[> [> [> [> >>shadows in the flames<< -- Ren, Nightfire, and Enigma, 14:59:07 03/14/03 Fri

>>the masculine watches his children play, and turns to his mate<< How've you been, Crim? >>his voice, a quiet baritone, washes soothingly over the group. his dominant yet humble posture emanates a great calm, and the white hairs that begin to dust his black pelt give the large wolf prestige and dignity<<

].the femora growls at her brother, annoyed at his aversion to playing. creeping around to his blind side, she leaps from behind, throwing the pup to the ground. before one could blink, she's up again, innate talents for fighting running through wild veins.[

:the large pup, reddish eyes glowing fiercely, seems to grow in size as his anger swells. eyes flashing horrible fire, he growls deeply. stalking slowly and determinedly towards the now quiet fem, he approaches her with imminent conflict wreathed like licking flames around his large, muscled frame:

>>the larger male, noticing his son's anger, bats him softly. having reminded the pup of his place, he sits back on his haunches at watches them carefully<<

:now, his anger controlled, the black wolf sits on the ground, his body of normal size and his eyes calm:

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[> [> [> [> [> ..::The Red::.. -- Crimson, 06:35:02 03/16/03 Sun

She watches this small drama play out, head tilted. Ren was good with the pups. She sighs and nuzzles him in answer to his question, murmering her own. I think you grow more handsome every time I see you. How 'ave you been?

((OOC: Blah, crappy. Heh, haven't slept in the past 2 days. . .stupid English paper due tomorrow. . .plus I gotta go to CIT class later today. . .ugh, this sucks. -.- zzzz z z z z))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> >>shadows in the flames<< -- Ren, Enigma, Nightfire, 11:03:07 03/18/03 Tue

>>he smiles, nuzzling the femme in return. hearing her question, he sighs and shakes his head<< Old... I feel old, I look old, I even act old, Crim. But you, you look the same- as beautiful as the day I met you. >>he grins and sighs. he was old, he felt in in aging bones and saw it in his graying muzzle<<

].the fem, slightly shaken by her brother's anger, walks nonchalantly back to her father and contents herself to lay by his tail. soon asleep, her small black body curls around and her head rests gently on her tail.[

:the male, uncanny red eyes staring intently in the distance, perks lobes of the deepest black to his right. silent as an owl, he crouches and turns, unblinking. slowly moving towards the area, he holds back a growl. it escapes anyway, and he growls again in anger. he leaps forward and sprints away, disappearing in a shrub. in a moment, he returns, a small lemming clutched in his jaws. sighing in self-satisfaction, he settles down to his hard won snack:

((OOC: Ooooh... fun. SPRING BREAK! Yay! For nearly two weeks, I'm free from high school hell... bliss))

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..::The Red::.. -- Crimson, 13:08:20 03/18/03 Tue

She smiled at Nightfire's catch and murmered. He's quick. Her ears flattened at Ren's comment. She did look the same. . .in fact. . .she had looked this way for a long time. . .

Nuzzling Enigma, she rose and padded away, growling softly, tail switching violently.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> >>shadows in the flames<< -- Ren, Nightfire and Enigma, 17:37:29 03/18/03 Tue

>>slightly confused, the male pads after her, long strides carrying him swiftly to her side<< Crimson? What did I say? >>he pressed a gentle muzzle into her neck, a motion to stop<<

].the fem, starting awake at the touch, watches her parents move off. she huffs a sigh at being awoken, and recurls her small body into a protective ball and falls asleep.[

:the male watches too, his snack devoured. he moves to stand closer to his sister, his protective instincts in overdrive. for all that bothered him about her, she was family:

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..::The Red::.. -- Crimson, 14:35:11 03/19/03 Wed

She paused and sighed. It was nothing you said. Go back. She jerked her head towards the pups. . .then took off, running as fast as she could. . .towards the mountains, to the place where there still remained a frozen hell of ice.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> >>shadows in the flames<< -- Ren, Nightfire and Enigma, 10:02:14 03/20/03 Thu

>>the large black frame of the male jerked, torn between his pups, his future, and his mate that ran from him. he stood still for a moment, his face stony and his eyes unreadable. as the red-black female disappeared from sight, he turned his head and walked back to the pups. without uttering a word or even with a nuzzle for his children, he lay on the cold, muddy ground and closed tired eyes. remembering his charges, one eye cracked open and watched for danger<<

].the female, awakening from her slumber, watched her mother run to the mountains. confused, she let out a small whimper and walked, tail between black legs, to the recumbent form of her father. huffing a minute sigh, she lay between his front legs and returned to sleep.[

:the male, sleep evading his young mind, stood straight. he, too, watched his mother run away, unnerving red-orange eyes sharper than the other's. a cold gust of wind swept through the valley, and he shivered involuntarily. with the quietest of howls, the large pup turned and sat beside his sister and father. lamp-like eyes surveyed these lands, ready for anything:

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