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Date Posted: 14:59:04 04/11/03 Fri
Author: Crimson
Subject: ..::The Red::..
In reply to: Rensalius 's message, ">>shadows<<" on 18:22:58 04/10/03 Thu

She growls softly. Yeah yeah, I know I told you to come. Sighing, she begins to pace. Look. . .you know what I am. So fix it. Make me age. . .I'm sick of seeing others die. . .let me die too. Her voice was thick with bitterness. Just let me die.

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[> [> [> >>shadows<< -- Rensalius, 12:39:36 04/12/03 Sat

>>he starts, his hackles lowering. what was she talking about? he wasn't dead yet. was she even talking to him? he shooks his head, trying to clear his thoughts. he steps a few steps forward, nails clicking quietly on the ice. what was that in the shadows, just there? or was it over there? was it anywhere? or everywhere? his head ached as he tried to sort his jumbled thoughts<<

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[> [> [> [> -Deep Dark- -- Daimonicus, 15:51:22 04/12/03 Sat

The shadows drew together, solidifying into a massive creature. . .a red-eyed black dragon. The beast's voice rumbled out, shaking the cavern. So you want to die now wolf? What happened to that young spunky thing that came and challenged me for eternal life with her sister? What happened to that one? The dark beast laughed, eyes glinting.

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[> [> [> [> [> >>shadows<< -- Rensalius, 13:27:28 04/13/03 Sun

>>while his dark eyes widen in wonder and horror, the male stands his ground. an impossible battle it seemed, a wolf or two against a dragon that might not even be a dragon. the ebony wolf, mortal as always, knew that he could die. he wasn't afraid for himself, but for his family. they were what he lived for. and would die for, if need be<<

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