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].insticts.[ :flames: -- Enigma and Nightfire, 14:37:34 04/28/03 Mon
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..::Shadow Snarl::.. -- Harlequin, 14:46:05 04/28/03 Mon
Shadow femmora's body stiffen's at the sight of the strange female. Silver-blue eyes widen as she growled, hackles raising. . .
Shaking herself, she stopped growling and ran to the femme. Head and tail raised in a dominant position, she curled a lip and snarled. What do you want? Her eyes narrowed as she looked the other femme over. . .this one thought highly of herself. . .it showed in the way she carried herself. She didn't like that.
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() Bitter Sweet Romance () -- Enchancee, 08:03:04 04/29/03 Tue
() Lowering her head to the other female, dosil expression was taken on. She meant no harm what so ever, and she had entered for reason. If she'd tell them- that was a whole another deal.
Frown creased the colorless one's lip as she broke eye contact to gaze at the ground. Where she was from she was high ranking, but she had no business here to go about challengeing others.
'I am Enchancee, from the Goddess of Venus. I've come to help you-Harlequin'
The name left the tongue with a small smile displayed. ()
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..::Shadow Snort::.. -- Harlequin, 15:49:28 04/29/03 Tue
The femme snorted, tail smacking the ground. Help me with what? She paced back and forth in front of the femme, spiked fur on her shoulders bobbing up and down with her pawsteps.
((OOC:ick. . .))
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].instincts.[ :flames: -- Enigma Nightfire, 17:22:21 04/29/03 Tue
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() DoN't MaKe Me RuN AwAy () -- Enchancee, 17:37:11 04/29/03 Tue
() Grinning her eyes leveled with the female's. 'Have you know idea?" ()
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..::Shadow Sigh::.. -- Harlequin, 13:57:42 04/30/03 Wed
She cocked her head. Unless it has somethin' to do with Crim, no. . .no idea at all mon amie.
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() Lost In Thought () -- Enchancee, 09:51:13 05/05/03 Mon
() Colorless pelt dazzled as she turned, smileing the same as she had been. 'Then I best depart- maybe I've come to soon...whatever the case...if you need me...find me' ()
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].instincts.[ :flames: -- Enigma and Nightfire, 17:36:50 05/06/03 Tue
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