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Date Posted: 09:49:40 08/31/07 Fri
Author: : APA posting
Subject: ***Royal Essence Southern National!!**

***Royal Essence Southern National!!***

1 Mega Grand Supreme $3,000 Savings Bonds
5 Grand Supreme Winner $1,000 Savings Bond
9 Grand Supreme Winner $1,000 Savings Bond
10 -18 Grand Supreme Winner $1000 Savings Bond
19 + Up Grand Supreme Winner
3 All American Supreme ($600 Savings Bonds)
0-7 Mini Grand Supreme & 8 & Up Mini Grand Supreme ($500 Savings Bond)
One Ultimate Grand Talent ($1000 Savings Bond with 20 contestants entered in talent)
0-7 & 8 and Up Level 1, II, III Grand Supreme ($250 Bond) awarding 2 in each level
One Overall Beauty Photogenic Supreme $Cash Awarded according to Entrants
3 Novice Supreme $Cash Awarded according to Entrants (0-5, 6-9 10 & up)
2 Overall Model Supreme Winner (0-7,8 & up)
2 Beauty Photogenic Supreme (0-7, 8 & up)
One Overall Grand Supreme King ($300.00 or $600. Savings Bond- 6 or more contestants)
12 Queen Titles + 3 Princesses per age division (anyone not in the top 4 will be Jr. Princesses in court)
2 Cover Winners
Vendors please email us to be added to our list
Mykal Baca hottiesbymykel@ aol.com
Nikki Burton nockouts1@yahoo.com
Nikki Burton nockouts1@yahoo.com
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Miss Royal Essence Presents...National Tournament of Queens Pageant
1 Mega Grand Supreme $3,000 Savings Bonds
1 Ultimate Grand Beauty Supreme $3,000 Savings Bonds
3 Grand Supremes. (Cash equivalent will be awarded in lieu of Bonds)
0 – 5 Grand Supreme Winner ($1,000 Savings Bond with 10 or more contestants entered or amount will be lessen)
6 – 9 Grand Supreme Winner $1,000 Savings Bond)
10 -18 Grand Supreme Winner $1000 Savings Bond)
19 + Up Grand Supreme Winner ($1,000 Savings Bond with 10 or more contestants entered or amount will be lessen)
0-7 Mini Grand Supreme & 8 & Up Mini Grand Supreme
3 All American Supreme ($1,000 Savings Bonds )
One Ultimate Grand Talent ($1000 Savings Bond with 20 contestants entered in talent)
One Ultimate Glamour Supreme Winner ($800 Savings Bond – Additional Add on)
One Overall Beauty Photogenic Supreme $Cash Awarded according to Entrants
3 Novice Supreme $Cash Awarded according to Entrants (0-5, 6 – 9 10 & up)
1 Diva Darling Supreme ($cash awarded based on entrants)
Community Star Supreme
Overall Team Talent Supreme ( with 5 or more entrants $Cash will be awarded)
1 Community Star Supreme
2 Overall Model Supreme Winner (0-7,8 & up)
2 Photogenic Supreme (0-7, 8 & up)
One Overall Grand Supreme King – ($300.00 or $600. Savings Bond- 6 or more contestants)
12 Queen Titles + 3 Princess per age division (anyone not in the top 4 will be Jr. Princes in court)
3 Cover Winners
Mother/ Daughter - Mother / Son or Father Daughter – Father/Son Title (2 in pageant)
(Please Note: We must have at least 50 + contestants order to award full amount, if not amount may be lesser)

Hair & Makeup
Lisa Taylor tropicalmisttanning@yahoo.com
Mykal Baca hottiesbymykel@ aol.com
Rashell Whitehead (209) 605-6092 or shelldog76@aol.com
Bobbie Straw (928) 04-9438 strawdesigns@aol.com
Teresa Yee (939) 525-5887 tereseayee@sbcglobal.net
Nikki Burton nockouts1@yahoo.com
Ms. Sheree winning_image@yahoo.com

Tropical Mist Tanning tropicalmisttanning@yahoo.com

Rashell Dream Team Rashell Whitehead (209) 605-6092 or shelldog76@aol.com
Nikki Burton nockouts1@yahoo.com
Total Knockouts Nikki Burton nockouts1@yahoo.com
Strutters - Contact Amber Varso ten8fordj@cox.net
Mr. Jesse’s Glamour Girls butterfly4410@aol.com



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