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Date Posted: 17:01:39 09/25/00 Mon
Author: Grenade the president of this e - fed
Subject: NeW Fed

{ Grenades music hits} and here he come down the ramp with a microphone in hand Now the fans are cherring EX-PLO-SION and Grenade says alright thank you all now I am here to announce that the IHWF has finally returned it might end up moving again BUT thats not what I am here to talk about ya see what I am really here to talk about is the IHWF roster ya see the only people that we Have on the roster are me and Crash Holly thats all gonna change. I am not here to BS all of you fans I am not here to talk ;llike some damn S.O.B but Here are some things that I gotta say . I will be fighting in matches I will go for titles now some of you people are probably thinking that I wi;ll make myself win well I have thought of it this way I wont choose who wins my matches. So now that the first thing I had to say is off my chest I will tell all of you the second There is to be no wining in this fed I dont want guys to come out to this ring and complain that they deserve a title shot if they want a title shot then they challenge the title holder If anyone dosnt like any of these rules then they have 3 choices #1 they can quit the fed #2 They can shut the hell up #3 if those dont work than they have me kick there ass all over that arena { WHAT whos music is this whos music is playing and we see a wrestler and he has a mask now the new guy has a mic and he says in a deep covered up voice I AM IN THIS FED AND I WANNA BE YOUR PARTNER . Now Grenade says Ok Ok you can join but who the hell are you I AM ZEX and his music hits and he walks away Now grenade has the mic and he is ready to talk again now he says That was the weirdest thing and It seems like I know the guys so well I am going to go ask some questions and you know what will happen if I dont get answers THE WHOLE ROSTER WILL BE EX PLO DED

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