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Date Posted: 08:03:50 10/08/00 Sun
Author: Britney
Subject: I will retain the title

Coutry Grammer begins to blare thur the PA system and the crowd jumps 10 feet out of there seats awaiting the arrival of snake Eyes and britney.There She is but there is no snake eyes i wonder y he's not with her.Well she is slowly walking down the ramp and she goes into the ring.She calls for a mic and the annoucer throws her one.

Well i guess i have a match with Kitty and Elizabeth well you know what that doesn't bother me actully i can't wait for that night because i am going to kick all those girls asses and if any of there guy friends come and interfere then snake eyes the world champ if i may add will come down that very ramp and kick ur ass so i wouldn't interfere.In this match i have tommorrow i am going to do what my boyfriend does best i will put a snake hold on you (i am getting very good at it because snake has been teaching me to do it) Then i will take you to hell and back and chokeslam you all right thur the ring.Then i will cover for the 1...2....3. o yeah and if any of the other men interfere in the match then again snake eyes will be there to kick ur guyes asses.Oh yeah i bet most of you guys are wondering where my boyfriend Snake Eyes is well he is at his house waiting for me.I don't have anything else to say so bye bye!!!

Coutry Grammer again begins to blare thur the arena and the whole crowd begins to go carzy and then she strips and there are flash bulbs going off everywhere and then she jumps into her limo and leaves the arena.

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