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Date Posted: 20:28:11 10/09/00 Mon
Author: Britney w/ Snake Eyes
Subject: I want a rematch

Coutry grammer begins to blare thur the PA system and the crowd jumps 10 feet out of there seats. They are awaiting the arrival of britney who lost her title on massacre.There she is the crowd is going absoulty mad as she walks out but it is wierd she doesn't look all that mad.She yells for a mic and the annoucer gives her one and she begins to talk.

Well i am not the women's champ anymore but who one it elizabeth well she gave me a hell of a fight and i am so happy that the kitty didn't win it,but Elizabeth i want a rematch.So if you decide to give that match to me then let's have it on frenzy.Other business to cover well about my boyfriend snake eyes he has a few annoucements to make and here he comes.

Coutry Grammer again begins to blare thur the PA system and here comes snake eyes.The crowd is going mad!!!!! Well what is he going to say.He has a bottled water he takes a few sips and gets the mic from britney and begins to talk.

Well grenade you know we could become great new tag partners so i was wondering will you and ur girl and Raditz join the Alliance we will fight against game on and we will kick there asses.So what do you say reply to this message sometime soon.That's all i have to say but my girl has a few more things to say

Snake eyes hands the mic to britney she goes around the ring a couple of times and begins to speak.

Elizabeth one more thing we could become friends and stuff but as long as you have the title i am going to fight you for it so i really hope that soon you and i get this whole feud over with but until then i am going to fight for that title it doesn't mean we don't have to be friends it just means that even if were friends i don't want are fights to mess up are friendship.

Coutry Grammer again blares thur the PA system and both britney and snake both leave the ring.

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