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Date Posted: 12:14:02 07/29/02 Mon
Author: Jerat Keldri
Subject: .round.up.

Jerat yawns, needing to escape the menacing girls for a time. He swings 'board his mare bare of saddle and bidle, guiding her with legs and voice out to the pasture that dwells on the outskirts of the grazing area, half int he forest. He opens the gate, and nudges mare in, and latches it again. moving around the guard's horses, he whistles, and a few heads perk from forestry edge. The herd of mountain ponies he brought from his home keep to themselves, but he needed mounts for the girls. So thus he continues his whistling tune, a few coming out to great him with hopeful nips and whickers. He frowns, spotting a stallion unknown to him. He must have been one o the colts born winters past. A fine,fine beast, the purest of flaxen. But he was untamed, thus not suitable. He noted that the beast stayed'part, and had a mischeif about him as he stalked Jerat. As J slid off his mare, allowing her to graze as he haltered two of the easier geldings for Lilliana and Jessica, and now he needed something for Eva. THe girl had a talent, and she was kind to the animals. A sudden clamp bites down on Jerat's rump, and he yelps, wipping about to see the flaxen standing with innocent eyes, part of Jerat's tunic hanging from his maw.
Ye little mutt! now i'll have to do ought with you.." A rope halter is quickly slung 'bout ponies head, and he moves to the gate, tying off the geldings to his mare's tail, and dragging the flaxen with him, fighting him, but knowingly patient wiht the stubborn pony. unlatching the gate, he speaks a word to his mare and she heads to the stables. closing the gate securely, he begins the trek to the stables.

Upon arriving, sharp words call out for Eva.

"Eva, i'vea present for ye. Get 'out'ere."

"Lilliana, Jessica, take the ponies from the Mare's tail and bicker over them, and find stalls for them. They've no names,save pony, and ye can do with them as ye like, but you're to learn to ride them, and they are to be yours."

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