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Date Posted: 12:44:30 08/03/02 Sat
Author: Sabine Dulmare
Subject: .farewell.and.good.riddance.

femme entrudes 'pon equine sanctum, leather saddlebags draped over a shoulder..stormy oculi peer out from shadow created by ebon hood pulled low o'er tanned visage. a sharp whistle lifts from lips, an answering whinny and skree heard from within the bowels of stable structure. shortly ebon hawk dubbed etihw flits over to mistress as femme slips inside well tended stall to be greeted by light bay mare. she goes through the movements of grooming and saddling the beast, a cross between palfrey and destrier, making for great strength and greater endurance..not to mention speed..such are the horses that hail from Duma..she leads Halgiz from her stall, Etihw perched 'pon saddle back..she looks up to loft where the hostler usually rests, "g'bye, Ser Keldri..you're more noble than all those who dwell within castle walls..thankyou." with that she whistles to Etihw, who launches skyward as she easily vaults astride, the mare regarding head hostler for a moment, intelligence shining brightly within mahagony pools before Halgiz turns and makes way homewards at a collected walk, Etihw wheeling above, skreeing fare well and warnings for when they return..

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