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Date Posted: 10:24:01 08/06/02 Tue
Author: Xenomorph contaminant
Subject: It grows...

The snakelike creature slithers quickly into the stables, avoiding any and all contact with any living creature. It hides in an empty, un-used stable box, coiling up and leaping onto a small post, watching the blue auras of the pheromone-cloud that surrounds several working humans. It then looks towards the horses, sensing a different one entirely, more purplish, but it decides to leave this new creature alone. The chestburster then looks back, hissing quietly as it senses something small, something weak, in the stable with it... It jumps off and tackles a sizeable rat, wrapping it's coils about it, striking hard and fast, several times. The rat screeches and writhes as blood flows from the bites of the steel-like jaws, but hte xenomorph only clutches tighter. Soon, the beast wins, and the chestburster feeds on it's required prey. It's metabolism stimulates, and it hisses, quickly diving into a large pile of hay, wriggling out of sight before any of hte humans could have reacted to the commotion of unearthly hissing and screeches of death.

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