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Date Posted: 13:47:10 08/16/02 Fri
Author: Jerat Keldri
Subject: '.amulet.'
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: .retrieve." on 06:14:42 08/16/02 Fri

Man smiles and bows to the little mistress.
"Lass, the King has a certain distaste for Aleri. She tried to kill the old king, you see, and Dith was his personal guard. Did you see how Aleri only has one arm? That was King Dith's doing. As for the horse, come, you might ride my mare. We shall go see if any of the men brought him in and took him where their horses are kept in the fields." He smiles,and walks ehr to a nearby stall,where his timid, yet decently large destrier mare stands,napping in the noontime sun.
"This is Amulet,Highness. She will take care of ye, not that i don't doubt ye ride well. You'll find her tack over on the wall witht he rest,it's all labeled. he's simply has an 'A' on the wall by it." He leaves the girl with the mare,and eases off, taking out the Queen's equally large grey destrier mare, bridling her and waiting for the girl.

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