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Date Posted: 10:55:43 09/18/02 Wed
Author: Jerat Keldri/Aleri T'kalin
Subject: .scream.:.it's.your.only.hope.
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Re: .yes ma'am." on 16:06:59 09/12/02 Thu

Jerat looks around,before running to Sarah,utterly confused,eyes wide.
"Aleri! what's wrong with her?!"
Aleri shrugs and takes the girl up in her arms, cooing and splashing a wave of cool aqua aura over her, the glow glinting slightly with the controled magicks, and Aleri hums a soft song that dancesabout the whole group, and it ushers the small girl to sleep. Aleri eases her into Jerat's open arms, and checks the bandages on her head,changing them.
"Eva, would you take King back to his stall and calm him down please?" She half begs the girl whom looks like she's amp to rip the no longer convulsing Sarh's head off, and then looks to Jerat.
"Come on, help me get her back into the loft,will you?"
Together the two of them manage to get her up the ladder and into jerat's pile of blankets. With a soft tap to jerat's head, he drops unconcious beside her for a good few hours due to the aqua aura that still sparkles around the two,safeguarding them from harm.

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