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Date Posted: 14:57:54 07/19/05 Tue
Author: Lena of Amien
Subject: Keeping It Together

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Name : Lena of Amien
Age : 42
Gender : Female
Appearance : Long wavy red hair, blue eyes, a graceful
and dignified carriage, fair skin, about 5'7" tall,
Class Level : Royalty
Profession : Queen
RP Sample:

Another beautiful Guardian day... It was indeed
Lena's land, her place of residency for a quarter of a
decade, ever since she left her true homeland of
quaint little Amien. And just the land wasn't the only
thing she had left in the small country. She had left
a previous life there and traveled here to marry and
become queen. Lena remembered it well. The planning,
the excitement, the engagement ball, so many changes.
At last her wedding. An arranged marriage that was a
grand affair, tying together two young members of
royalty. It had been a confusing time to say the
least. At face value of course it was complex. The
wedding dress was the focus of many of her realm's
fashonista commoners who fantasised about a royal
life. But there was so much more than that!

On a personal level, behind being a princess, Lena was
a young girl trying to find herself. Being sent off to
Guardia to marry a crown prince and indeed be a
queen-- a real queen of a real, prosperous, beautiful
land-- was exciting. If she stayed in Amien she would
never get that chance. Not with an older brother and
two sisters in front of her and another brother and
sister behind her in age. The thought of being a queen
was thrilling. But there was pressure and despair,
too. Maybe being a queen wasn't all it was cracked
up to be. And she had no choice in it, a young
princess of seventeen years. Her destiny was written
in bloodlines and crests and glorious victories and
gallantry. Thus she was used to a certain lack of
freedom, being surrounded by guards and knights and
maids in the castle. If she was a queen, that would
multiply even more probably. There would possibly be
attempts at her life even from enemies. On one hand it
would be full of adventure and danger. On the other
hand as dull and boring as anything she'd ever

So at last, after being betrothed only long enough for
the last touches to be made, the last pieces of
parchment signed, she was a princess bride and future
queen. The last shred of a dream of marrying simply
for love was thrown into the flames as a priest bound
to her new husband. She knew him, though not
intimately. Their families had been on good terms and
many times they had come to Guardia through her
childhood. To the public it was all a fairy tale and
they were deeply in love. And there in front of every
noble from two kingdoms that summer evening, tears ran
down her face as the man of the gods spoke slowly,
"Marriage... Marriage is what brings us together
today. And love. True love..." Her husband, her
prince, he was nothing more than an acquaintance. It
was nothing close to true love. Everyone might think
her tears were from happiness but she knew her own

Life went on though, and slowly she adjusted to all
the new changes. Soon after her wedding was her
coronation as queen. She learned her new duties
beautifully. At the age of nineteen, she gave birth to
their first child, a boy given the name of Cian. The
next year came another pregnancy, and with that
heartbreak from miscarriage. But she found joy once
more at the arrival of her daughter, Elvia.

The years coasted by and overall, the general
consensus was that her term as queen had been
successful. There had been no serious revolts or wars
that had not been solved. Her children were now grown
and would most likely be married and ruling their own
kingdoms before too much longer. She wished them both
all the happiness in the world. It was a concern for
her, but at the moment, it was a dealing for another
time. Now she would invite her daughter for a ride
through the countryside. It was a beautiful day in

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