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Date Posted: 09:12:47 07/11/02 Thu
Author: Mikayla of Remoir
Subject: >> dare to dream <<

curs'd : Mikayla of Remoir
summers : .twenty.
chromosomes : .XX.
depiction : .a cap of startling crimson locks cascade to nearly her waist, the unruly mass is rarely restained except on special occasions for its a small few who have the time or patience to attempt such a feat. Eyes of a green-blue hue are gentle as the watch the goings on about her. the young woman is quite petite, head to toe her height nary exceeds that of five feet and two inches.
class level : .noble.
profession : Lady
saga : .the first eleven years of her life were bliss, no worries, no troubles. Doted on by both father and mother the young girl spent days romping through the family manor, riding her loyal pony through the surrounding words, and not worrying about such a silly thing as decorum. Though when sickness swept through thier land her parents caught their death. After that she was shipped halfway 'round the country to live with her aunt, a strict and elegant Lady if there ever was one and Kay's life took a turn to the rigid as her aunt attempted to mold her into a prim and proper young lady. The lessons were only minorly successful, much to her aunts dismay, and a few months ago Lady Mikayla took her leave of her aunts home and set out, to arrive in Guardia.
persona : .having been raised as a perfect gentle young lady, the woman knows all the subtle ins and outs of ettiquette..though whether she considers them at all is another matter entirely. A remnant of her childhood, she does indeed try to be the Lady her aunt wished for, but a keen curiousity and a boat full of stubborness often destroy that quest.

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