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Date Posted: 13:49:48 07/18/02 Thu
Author: Daine Sarrasri
Subject: hey.you.

Dubbed: Daine Sarrasri
Appearance: Tall yet slender, about 5'8", with blonde hair, more often than not tied back in a braid the reaches the small of her back. Dark green eyes, are what some say are her best physical feature besides her brains, are sheltered behind wire-framed specs.
Attire: Her attire is simple, shirt and skirt and cloak, with a slit from the knee to accomadate her stride.
Station: Lady
Profession: She hasn't one, at best she would be a scholar or a scribe, anything really, because of her upbringing, she has many skills.
From Past 2 Present: Growing up in a small home outside of the city Mirwell, the death of her father and mother at the age of 7 in a house fire, left her stranded and desperate for a home. Seeking a family friend that lived in Scanra, a wealthy Lady with titles and class, she was soon adopted into the house. Though her name remained unchanged, everyone knew her as the Lady's long lost daughter, even after explaination, so when at social functions, she was addressed so. Keeping the title, she was left once again on her own, after the Lady's demise in her sleep. Taking her things, she sailed away, seeking a new life somewhere else, which brings her to Guardia.
(if this makes no sense, it's because i'm brain dead, so, yeah, just bear with me, please...J...)

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