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Date Posted: 07:01:03 07/30/02 Tue
Author: Deren Cane Copper
Subject: {.Servent.}


{. ebon hiar lad walks in bare feet srcap against dirt in pain ebony' hiar dances with lice and flies torn shirt wipes in the wind young lad walks in and falls down on a near by tree and rest blue eyes sparkle as he had finally made it .}

Name:Deren Cane Copper(Cane)



Appreance:shagy ebony hair white linen shirt-torn birches torn still has a baby face but hes lived through more then a 56 year old old worn leather boats

Personality:strong and willing a very good servent but he has a hareder side if you push him to far your goin to get it

Porfesion:servent of whatever but he can be a good hunter if told to

Class level:commnor

History:ok he was born into a small family who all died from tiphord(SP?)he escaped from dieing and slavery but still as the heart of a servent yet bolder then he looks

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