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Date Posted: 20:33:42 07/30/02 Tue
Author: The hated one known as 'Vahn'
Subject: A rip in the continuum.

Oh, how truly wretched the pull of some places are... A shame. Might as well give an apology with this request.

... I'll put it in the main Castle, so people will read.

Name: Adrian Foxx
Race: Human
Date of Birth: May 7th, 2531 AD. (24 years of age)
Gender: Male
Class: Time/Space Explorer

Appearance: Adrian is a tall fellow, an imposing 6'5", though not sturdy or muscular as some may come to expect of a man of his era. His body is adorned in thick scale-like armor, with dials and diodes and lights and whatnot covering certain areas (Left pectoral, belt, right and left forearm). On his forearms are twin bracers, each with an array of different items. His back has a backpack-sized power cell, with a small antennae sticking up from the right top. His helmet, when worn, looks almost insectoid, with twin antennae pointing up and back, and both bulbous "eyes" of a scintillating green. Without the helmet, his skin is a pale peach, his face rather becoming, almost exotic. His eyes are bright green, his hair jet black, with what appears to be a "five o'clock shadow" about his jaw. He has two visible weapons: a blade, which has several circuits in the hilt and blade itself, and a handgun, only half-loaded (Glock ammo, 17 rounds out of 34. He doesn't have an ammo clip, of course, since he -is- an expendable explorer of time and space...)

Of course, he'd be -very- wary, and he wouldn't pick fights. Though he can be rather nasty when need be. If any questions, just ask.

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