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Date Posted: 23:32:52 08/10/02 Sat
Author: Sorcha Auchinleck
Subject: . Boidheach .

Looking back over my youth;
I was content,
Without knowledge of death.
I was young, without time.


Given name | Sorcha Clodagh Auchinleck
Seasons | Twenty
Gender | Of the fairer
Appearance | This lass is slight of bone and born with the natural grace of a noble, seeming too royal to be a mere commoner. A thick cape of caramel hued hair flows to her waist when loose, although usually the shimmering mass is twisted into a large knot at the base of her skull. Her distinctive face consists of clear dove gray eyes fringed with thick onyx lashes, a clear complexion the color of cream, naturally crimson lips and defined cheekbones with the faintest tint of a healthy rose hue. She holds herself proudly even in her darkest moments, slender shoulders back and facing forward defiantly. She stands just over five feet six inches, her waist narrow and abdomen firm and healthy, the swell of her hips prominent beneath her usual worn but clean navy blue dress, fitted at the waist and flaring slightly at the hip. Hidden beneath the folds of fabric are slender but shapely limbs, deft and elegant in their movements.
Class level | Commoner
Profession | She is skilled at the art of apothecary, her slender but strong fingers expertly trained at the mixing and kneading of herbs and minerals.
Personality | Sorcha radiates an air of mystery, reserve, and beauty not only inside but out, her voice filled with quiet determination and defiance. At times she may be rather spontaneous, her disposition not of the average meek commoner, but inquisitive and audacious. She has aquired much intellect throughout her travels and is able to read and write not only her native Gaelic but also English and some French, having had a mother insistent when it came to knowledge.
History | Sorcha was born on July 17, 1266 into the Scottish Auchinleck clan, her mother, Adaira MacKenzie Auchinleck, having been the wife of the laird Tomag Rumann Auchinleck. She'd been the youngest of six children, not to mention the 135 children of the clan, but had always been admired for her unique beauty. At the age fourteen her father had been killed by a boar at hunting season, his gut sliced open by the animals sharp tusks. Sorcha was unfortunately the only one of the children to actually discover her father's body while riding her horse, Stoirmeacha. Proceding her father's death a dishonerable man by the name of Colmac became the laird, and sought Sorcha's hand in marriage, although she was but fifteen. She was horrified and confided in her mother, but she felt no one would be able to help her and fled, wandering the scottish moors for about a year, surviving on her own skills in hunting and the kindness of strangers (rarely, as the scottish men were quite rowdy when intoxicated, which was often especially at night, when she needed shelter most.). Soon, she found herself in London, and opened an apothecary shop with the help of a male friend whom she had met in her travels. After several years he was arrested for a murder he did not commit, and she continued her wandering, eventually ending up in Equus Libera.


Now I'm sorrowful,
The day is long past.
Alas and woe.

((Hi peoples, 'specially little old owner! It's Mari! -Beams, squeezes.- I finally got around to joining, but methinks I got a little carried away with the joining postie, no? Oh well, I had fun.))

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