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Date Posted: 14:11:13 08/12/02 Mon
Author: Se+Ta+Ny
Subject: .But.three.Rags.

.Alone among a world so cold.

.Three left to fend all on there own.

.No Confort no warmth.

.No Peace No life.

.To Scared To Run.

.No Choice but to fight.

.Fear a constint enemy.

.Strentgh a distant freind.

.When Will this all come to a end.






.Apprence.Se+Ta.long shaggy brown hair coming to the waste bright blue eyes and thin bodys.Ny.strong yet skin and bones shaggy brown hiar and dark brown eyes-rags as cloths.

.Three small children sneak through the alleys in search of shelter a boy of maybe 8 follows behind two smaller Lasses of a younger age scared and buised as they where they moved fast pon' the cobbled streets orbs flicker in fear of being seen flashed there minds as the Boy snatch a small loaf of bread from a nobles window as the two lasses found a shelter of a chicken house to eat there days worth of food saving the rest of the loaf for tommorrow.

.In a World So Cold.

.Three Left to fend on there own.

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