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Dogtown NASCAR League
I foresee nothing but wedded bliss for these two, Mazel Tov!

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Subject: ,

Holy Slap
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Date Posted: 00:22:32 01/27/10 Wed

Wow, this motherfucker still exists. Impressive.
My spelling, notsomuch
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 13:58:36 05/07/08 Wed

This thing is like a roach
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 21:54:38 02/08/07 Thu

Ding a ding ding dao a ding ding dao...hehehehehehe...bum's son...bwaaahahahahahahahaha!
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 13:32:46 01/31/07 Wed

Rolling Nickels
Subject: .

El Slapo
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Date Posted: 19:19:26 01/10/07 Wed

So is a hot tub, 7 Heineken's, and 3 hookers.
How 'bout them skankho's!!

"Who wants to give Jimmah a rub n' tug?!?!"
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 16:06:58 11/07/06 Tue

What the hell is going on in Arkansas? You guys go from embarrassment to potential SEC Champs in one year. That RB is a beast.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 15:56:08 11/02/06 Thu

yes it lives, barely. I was heart broken that you were above tailgating with us last week. Just broken. It is hard to finish a thought with Penn telling me to wrap it up. Ok, ok...jeeze
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 16:43:11 10/24/06 Tue

Voy never dies.
I'm not sure if that is penn or teller, but I'm pretty sure he's tired of listening to my shit.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 16:03:51 10/18/06 Wed


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 14:39:25 09/11/06 Mon

20 - 0 vs. Utah St. This stellar defense allowed over 100 yards rushing...

Utah St. was supposed to be to us what we were to USC.

The savior was mediocer at best...me thinks it's gonna be a long season.

Vandy is better than what folks had predicted...and gave bama a run for their money.

the chubs prediction - hogs 17 / vandy 21

and jesus...can't we f'n pay someone to kick for us...i can go out there an miss field goals just as well as anyone...
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 21:07:25 09/04/06 Mon

i was way off. Was it just me, or did it seem like there was a gun pointed at Houston's jumblies we he made the decision to make Mitch the starter and "move" Johnson to WR??
Subject: .

Robert Johnston
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Date Posted: 19:14:41 08/31/06 Thu

Slappy sez

USC 30
UA 13

You campers heading north for the game, give 'em hell 54!
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 14:45:11 08/30/06 Wed

the chubs prediction:

USC 35 - HOGS 14
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 06:18:29 08/08/06 Tue

Heard a few new ones (at least new to me):

Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

There's not a chin behind Chuck Norris' beard, just another fist.

When Chuck Norris falls in water, Chuck Norris doesn't get wet. Water gets Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

The original theme song to the Transformers was actually "Chuck Norris--more than meets the eye, Chuck Norris--robot in disguise," and starred Chuck Norris as a Texas Ranger who defended the earth from drug-dealing Decepticons and could turn into a pick-up. This was far too much awesome for a single show, however, so it was divided.

Chuck Norris was the fourth Wiseman. He brought baby Jesus the gift of "beard". Jesus wore it proudly to his dying day. The other Wisemen, jealous of Jesus' obvious gift favoritism, used their combined influence to have Chuck omitted from the Bible. Shortly after all three died of roundhouse kick related deaths.

Chuck Norris took my virginity, and he will sure as hell take yours. If you're thinking to yourself, "That's impossible, I already lost my virginity.", then you are dead wrong.

Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz steaks in an hour. He had sex with the waitress for the first 45 minutes.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Chuck Norris allows to live.

There are no races, only countries of people Chuck Norris has beaten to different shades of black and blue.

Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.

Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.

Chuck Norris and Mr. T walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 10:53:19 08/07/06 Mon

That's superb
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 07:02:45 08/07/06 Mon


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Subject: -

Big Pimpin' (Happy w/ a Bit of Sad for Paul)
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Date Posted: 08:14:06 08/04/06 Fri

Hi crazy Al. What did you do with retard e?

I have no idea what that picture/caption means and yet I still find my self laughing a little. I like pirates.

What sent you over the edge Gravy? Could it be Stewart?

Hey the Bud girls have just about made it to the bottom of the page where you can see mom tits while you post. That one on the left is plain awful.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 14:52:35 07/20/06 Thu

In the immortal words of Jackyl "When Will It Rain?"
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 14:08:43 07/20/06 Thu

Subject: .

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Date Posted: 13:24:18 07/18/06 Tue

I've officially stopped watching Nascar and I have no regrets about it. Send my regards to Helton.
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 12:05:00 07/14/06 Fri

Burton, Riggs, Kurt Busch & Edwards
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 09:50:16 07/14/06 Fri

For New Hampshire: J.Gordon, Petty, Kurt Busch, Stremme
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 21:38:57 07/13/06 Thu

Subject: -

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Date Posted: 13:15:43 07/09/06 Sun

Stewart, Jeff Gordon, Labonte & Yeley
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 10:34:51 07/09/06 Sun

Yeley, Kahne, B.Labonte, and Biffle.
Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 10:07:55 07/09/06 Sun

j gordon, NEwman, Vickers, and D Jarret
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 07:54:59 07/07/06 Fri

Hahahahahahahah. Come home Tim.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 18:16:40 07/01/06 Sat

For those that might care, I saw Superman Returns today.
I am anxiously awaiting the sequel: Superman Returns my $7.50
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 18:09:58 07/01/06 Sat

I think i may watch this race...The first in months.
I want to rub Boris Said's filty curly dome. With my teeth.
What the fuck, I'll play this week.
Gimme J Burton (why the balls is he 2 mill?? I've obviously been out of the loop), Stewart, Said, Kyle Petty.

If I enjoy the race and do well then maybe I'll stick around for this "nascar" thing. If not, I will vanish forever...

It's all on you Petty...It's all on you.
Don't forsake me
Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 17:48:14 07/01/06 Sat

d. jr, j gordon, yeley, stremme
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 10:08:37 07/01/06 Sat

Mark Martin, Boris Said, Greg Biffle and Joe Nemechek

Please come back Slap. Whereever you are.
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 09:03:44 07/01/06 Sat

Sadler, Vickers, Jeff Gordon and Sterling
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 14:50:33 06/29/06 Thu

daytona picks - stewart, kyle busch, jarrett, mayfield
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 11:36:32 06/25/06 Sun

Correction my real picks for Infineon - Harvick Pruett Fellows Martin
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 11:33:46 06/25/06 Sun

Infineon - Pruett, Jeff Gordon, Mark Martin and Ron Fellows
Subject: PICKS

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Date Posted: 09:54:20 06/25/06 Sun

j gordon, r gordon, kurt busch, and newman
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 09:54:03 06/25/06 Sun

Jeff Gordon, McMurray, Kurt Busch and Boris Said
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Date Posted: 07:12:37 06/25/06 Sun

infineon - harvick, jeff gordon, kurt busch, boris said
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Date Posted: 08:41:20 06/18/06 Sun

michigan - jeff gordon, kurt busch, biffle, mayfield
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 15:28:47 06/16/06 Fri

Gordon, Mcmurray, Riggs, Stremme
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 14:36:24 06/16/06 Fri

For Michigan - Stewart, Kenseth, Marlin and Stremme
Subject: -

Big Pimpin
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Date Posted: 14:35:13 06/16/06 Fri

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Date Posted: 14:00:00 06/15/06 Thu

There's no crying in NASCAR.
Subject: Gravyretirement

Matt Kemp
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Date Posted: 10:56:51 06/15/06 Thu

It's been a good run boys. Mccord, thanks for all of the work, spreadsheets, rules, and cost sheets. You created a monster. Tim, your visions over the years have been what most of us keep coming back for. I salute your efforts maintaining these sites, from Voy to Yahoo back to old faithful Voy, it's been a journey. I salute both of you for making this a wonderful voyage and couldn't have worked with a better group of officers. I'll miss you both. To all of the participants over the years, all I can say is a sincere Thank you for sharing your Sundays and sometimes Saturday nights with us.......Sincerely, Me
Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 11:17:25 06/11/06 Sun

vickers, biffle, kurt busch, sadler
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 10:34:56 06/11/06 Sun

poconuts - jeff gordon, sadler, kurt busch, marlin
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Date Posted: 10:07:03 06/11/06 Sun

Kurt Busch, Sadler, Vickers & Biffle.
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Date Posted: 20:45:40 06/09/06 Fri

poconuts picks: Johnson, Mayfield, Vickers, and Biffle.
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Date Posted: 09:05:59 06/04/06 Sun

dover - harvick, kurt busch, mcmurray, mayfield
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Date Posted: 08:53:21 06/04/06 Sun

Newman, McMurray, Biffle & Kurt Busch
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 18:57:23 06/03/06 Sat

Jeff Grappe's picks: Biffle, Sadler, Newman, Kurt Busch

Shonda's picks: Martin, Mayfield, Sadler, newman.
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 14:24:08 06/02/06 Fri

Dover Picks - Greg Biffle, Kurt Busch, Elliot Sadler, and Ryan Newman.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 10:21:50 06/02/06 Fri

Dover picks: Jr, Newman, Kurt Busch, Stremme
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 09:53:13 06/01/06 Thu

Dover Picks

Newman, Kurt Busch, Martin, Mayfield
Subject: --

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Date Posted: 23:29:00 05/31/06 Wed

Time to appease the masses w/my first post of the year on this outlandish site. E-mail doesn't get me classy J Daly pics now does it. Only got thru some of the mailbag, but most were worth the read. I will also side w/the verdict that striking $5.0 is never a good thing. I'll actually go out of my way now to avoid. Siskel & Ebert give 2 thumbs up (1/2 of them dead thumbs) for having Dick Holder remain part of the standard vocabulary. That was worth the visit to the site itself.
Subject: lowes

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Date Posted: 09:53:33 05/28/06 Sun

kahne, edwards, truex jr, and b labonte
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Date Posted: 09:14:21 05/28/06 Sun

lowe's picks - biffle, edwards, kurt busch, b. labonte

eat it
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 21:09:24 05/27/06 Sat

Edwards, Kurt Busch, Mears & JJ Yeley
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 16:52:29 05/26/06 Fri

sniders picks - johnson, mayfield, edwards, b. labonte
debbie - johnson, mayfield, jeff gordon, stremme
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 09:00:20 05/26/06 Fri

Picks for Lowe's: Kennseth, Biffle, Riggs, and Mayfield.
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 12:56:55 05/25/06 Thu

To hell with the curse.... Edwards, Kurt Busch, Newman, McMurray
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 13:40:46 05/19/06 Fri

Sorry I screwed that last post up.

Q: Went to the Yankees home opener and was using one of the urinals in the men's bathroom. Two stalls over, a guy had his daughter in one of those baby pappoose things around his neck. The guy between us strikes up a conversation with the dad. "So how old is she? Is this her first baseball game? Is this her first Yankees game?" Then he says, while talking stupid baby talk, "I bet this won't be the only time you go to a Yankees game." Just then, another guy walks behind us and says, "I bet this also won't be the only time she's in the men's room," and keeps on walking past. Welcome to Yankee Stadium.
--J. Coyle, Morristown, N.J.

SG: Now this is the stuff that doesn't happen on the West Coast. But you got me thinking -- I have been doing these mailbag columns for nine years now (dating back to my old Web site), and there have been an inordinate amount of men's room stories from sporting events. I even have a personal favorite that happened to me:

A few years ago, the Bug and I had roof-deck seats on the third-base side at Fenway and ended up hitting the men's room together. Because there aren't a ton of roof-deck seats, it's always pretty quiet up there in the concessions and the bathrooms ... so if you ever wanted to do something a little, um, risky, that's the place to do it. Anyway, we're using the urinals and Bug looks in the mirror and notices that, in one of the stalls behind us, there are two sets of legs, and let's just say that they're facing each other and one of the people was crouching. It's impossible to overstate how excited the Bug was about this -- he looked happier than a third base coach ready to congratulate someone who just hit a walkoff homer.

We both finish our business, and I want to go back to our seats, but Bug refuses to leave because he wants to see how cute the girl is. He won't be denied. So now we're just hanging out in the men's room pretending to wash our hands for a few minutes. Finally, the door to the stall opens ... and two of the ugliest, scummiest people on the planet walk out of there. You know how you feel when Carmela and Tony start making out on the "Sopranos"? Multiply that by 200,000. Even worse, the girl has one of those cutesy, "Uh-oh, looks like we were caught" looks on her face. We couldn't have fled out of there fast enough -- it was like we were leaving a crime scene.

So here's my question: Why hasn't this turned into its own Web site yet? Doesn't everyone have one bizarre bathroom story from a sporting event? Just in the last month, someone sent me cell phone photos of Danny Ainge peeing in a urinal and glancing over in horror right as the picture was taken, and someone else sent me a YouTube video of a drunk Cubs fan doing a Rick Dempsey-style, face-first slide through one of those long urinal troughs. Shouldn't we be putting this stuff in one place?
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 13:39:07 05/19/06 Fri

Q: Went to the Yankees home opener and was using one of the urinals in the men's bathroom. Two stalls over, a guy had his daughter in one of those baby pappoose things around his neck. The guy between us strikes up a conversation with the dad. "So how old is she? Is this her first baseball game? Is this her first Yankees game?" Then he says, while talking stupid baby talk, "I bet this won't be the only time you go to a Yankees game." Just then, another guy walks behind us and says, "I bet this also won't be the only time she's in the men's room," and keeps on walking past. Welcome to Yankee Stadium.
--J. Coyle, Morristown, N.J.

Elgin Baylor wins Executive of the Year. A "Real World" cast member (Jacinda Barrett) is starring in her second blockbuster film. You're creating a fantasy league based on US Weekly while claiming to be straight, married and with child. Next, I am going to read that Dustin Diamond is playing Ralph Hinkley/Hanley in the inevitable "The Greatest American Hero" film. Is the world coming to an end?
-- Sean Kelly, Los Angeles

Can you think of any award in pro sports that is more emasculating than the Lady Byng? Who would be proud to say "Hey, I won the Lady Byng!"
-- Shawn, Newport Beach, Calif.

You mentioned how there is so much tension in the Lakers-Sun series, but during the fight between Sasha and Nash you could actually see what Kobe said when they bumped into each other. He looks at Nash and says: "Hey! HEY STEVE NASH!" and runs over. My friends and I think that is quite possibly the funniest way ever to confront someone. So now anytime anything good or bad happens to Nash it's "HEY STEVE NASH!"
-- J. Waterhouse, Los Angeles

In the Pearl Jam/NBA column, you either missed the most obvious lyric or passed on it:

I know one day you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky
Why, why, why can't it be
Can't it be mine

Sung by Joe Dumars, to Darko.
-- Martin Del Vecchio, Gloucester, Mass.

Hey there, Midas Touch Simmons: First the woeful Pats become your industry-standard NFL dynasty. Then the loveable loser Red Sox win the WS (now you can die in peace). Now the FREAKING CLIPPERS win a playoff series? Have you thought about advisory roles? Like, say, wealth management or real estate deals where you get paid to "bless" possible investments/deals? At this rate, I'm convinced that you could turn around Bush's presidency.
-- Dave Lederhos, Denver

I think I have found the male equivalent for the female longing to cuddle after sex, and their apparent empty feeling if they don't get the affection. It's the quick cut to the "Good Night" screen on the "Extra Innings" baseball package immediately following the last out. Couldn't they give us two minutes of postgame? Maybe even a commercial break and then some local commentary just to wind things down a little and show me you really care? Is it too much to ask?
-- Will, Berkeley, Calif.

Do you think Keith Hernandez was auditioning to replace Champ Kind as the sports reporter for the Channel 5 News Team in San Diego?
-- Kris, New York

Game 3 of the Clippers-Nuggets series -- midway through the first quarter, after the Nuggets had recovered from an early hole and gone on a big run, the play-by-play guy asks Collins, "Doug, in the playoffs, how often did you have to tell your team, 'If they fell behind early to just weather the first 8-9 minutes and regroup?' " The only thing that would have topped asking a coach with a career 15-23 playoff record such a question would be if he kept pestering Collins until he got an answer -- "Seriously, Doug, how many times did you have to tell your team to 'weather the storm and regroup'? All 38? 25 out of 38?"
-- Jeremy, Columbia, S.C.

SG: Now this is the stuff that doesn't happen on the West Coast. But you got me thinking -- I have been doing these mailbag columns for nine years now (dating back to my old Web site), and there have been an inordinate amount of men's room stories from sporting events. I even have a personal favorite that happened to me:

A few years ago, the Bug and I had roof-deck seats on the third-base side at Fenway and ended up hitting the men's room together. Because there aren't a ton of roof-deck seats, it's always pretty quiet up there in the concessions and the bathrooms ... so if you ever wanted to do something a little, um, risky, that's the place to do it. Anyway, we're using the urinals and Bug looks in the mirror and notices that, in one of the stalls behind us, there are two sets of legs, and let's just say that they're facing each other and one of the people was crouching. It's impossible to overstate how excited the Bug was about this -- he looked happier than a third base coach ready to congratulate someone who just hit a walkoff homer.

We both finish our business, and I want to go back to our seats, but Bug refuses to leave because he wants to see how cute the girl is. He won't be denied. So now we're just hanging out in the men's room pretending to wash our hands for a few minutes. Finally, the door to the stall opens ... and two of the ugliest, scummiest people on the planet walk out of there. You know how you feel when Carmela and Tony start making out on the "Sopranos"? Multiply that by 200,000. Even worse, the girl has one of those cutesy, "Uh-oh, looks like we were caught" looks on her face. We couldn't have fled out of there fast enough -- it was like we were leaving a crime scene.

So here's my question: Why hasn't this turned into its own Web site yet? Doesn't everyone have one bizarre bathroom story from a sporting event? Just in the last month, someone sent me cell phone photos of Danny Ainge peeing in a urinal and glancing over in horror right as the picture was taken, and someone else sent me a YouTube video of a drunk Cubs fan doing a Rick Dempsey-style, face-first slide through one of those long urinal troughs. Shouldn't we be putting this stuff in one place?
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 07:09:09 05/17/06 Wed

I have confirmed that the $5,000,000 curse is real.
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Date Posted: 08:53:28 05/15/06 Mon

Most shocking thing I have seen all month:

5. Smitty

Nice job Pimp. I have started the unfortunate slide ever since my "horn tootin" incident for picking Scott Riggs. Damn the Dick Holder jinx. (those 2 sentences sound really weird if taken out of context).
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 18:03:04 05/14/06 Sun

didn't know there was such a thing...fine
Subject: darlington picks

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Date Posted: 16:25:45 05/13/06 Sat

little e, biffle, newman, and b labonte
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Date Posted: 10:21:11 05/13/06 Sat

Been hit twice this year with the "spent exactly 5,000,000" curse. This goes to show, I'm to stupid to learn my lesson:

Newman, Biffle, Edwards & Henny Damlin
Subject: -

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Date Posted: 07:40:44 05/13/06 Sat

darlington - biffle, kurt busch, mcmurray, newman
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:35:35 05/12/06 Fri

Baltimore Slap, it's time for a new picture. Our lurkers are starting to bitch.
Subject: -

Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:09:37 05/12/06 Fri

For Darlington - Kahne, Biffle, Newman and Bobby Labonte.
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Date Posted: 09:24:15 05/11/06 Thu

Sadler, McMurray, Kurt Busch, Newman
Subject: Darlington

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Date Posted: 09:00:58 05/11/06 Thu

Dale Jr.
Elliot Sadler
Subject: richmond picks

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Date Posted: 17:09:06 05/06/06 Sat

little e, harvick, newman, and mayfield..
Subject: Richmond

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Date Posted: 11:25:29 05/06/06 Sat

Dale Jr.
Kurt Busch
B Labonte
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Date Posted: 07:28:06 05/06/06 Sat

richmond picks - harvick, biffle, kurt busch, newman
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Date Posted: 00:16:19 05/06/06 Sat


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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 00:14:42 05/06/06 Sat

Again, I apologize for drunk postin

once a month ain[t bad
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 00:13:11 05/06/06 Sat

without investigating i would bet a dollar that khines wished God had not granted him that rain. I bet his picks from the week before, whatever they were, even with the penalty were better than that.

for this post to make sense you need to read khines most recent post.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 00:09:48 05/06/06 Sat

Please give me credit for my actual picks last week mr. scoreman. I said your deal about talladega was funny. i love you man.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 00:08:08 05/06/06 Sat

Richmond picks - Bobby Labonte, Ryan Newman, Greg Biffle and Matthew Kenseth
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Date Posted: 10:44:13 05/05/06 Fri

Stewart, JJ Yeley, Biffle & Newman
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Date Posted: 07:15:48 05/05/06 Fri

Jr, Harvick, Newman, Mayfield
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 07:43:54 05/02/06 Tue

My Goodness B.J., did you get any points at all?
Subject: late dega picks

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Date Posted: 07:33:02 05/01/06 Mon

thank God for rain - Jr. truex, biffle, and mayfield
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 10:25:18 04/30/06 Sun

Talladega picks: Dale Earnhardt, Jr., Tony Stewart, Mayfield and Waltrip.
Subject: Talladega

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Date Posted: 18:07:23 04/29/06 Sat

Dale Jr.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 08:01:11 04/28/06 Fri

I agree Slap, it was all I could do not to spit coffee on the screen when I read the "lost their number" bit.
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Date Posted: 07:16:37 04/28/06 Fri

Kurt Busch, Jr, S Marlin, Biffle
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Date Posted: 15:43:34 04/27/06 Thu

Gravy deserves a Pulitzer for that fine Op-Ed piece.

$240 worth of puddin'
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Date Posted: 12:37:49 04/27/06 Thu

Early pics, just case my pics suck, no matter how late I wait: * Jr., Sterling, McMurray & Biffle.

* Picks subject to change
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Date Posted: 11:38:54 04/27/06 Thu

early talladega picks since i'll be out of town - stewart, kurt busch, biffle, waltrip
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Date Posted: 12:02:49 04/26/06 Wed

This needs no words...

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Date Posted: 10:38:11 04/26/06 Wed

Is it not true that a couple of NASCAR faithful died in their tent last year at Talladega by using a charcoal grill as a heater? I think it's time to face the truth. Earnhardt Sr is a vengeful seventh level ghost who feeds on the souls of those with dayglo paint schemes covering their hats and shirts. It's time to warn the NASCAR nation that a demon three roams the grounds at Talladega and is thirsty for the ones whose back hair can hold christmas tree lights. I know of only 4 people and a dog who could uncover this mystery, but I lost their number. So you'll stay away from Talladega if you know what's good for you!!!
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Date Posted: 13:34:56 04/25/06 Tue

As if everyone wasn't going to pick Jr. as it is...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

It's a shame Donny Lynn will miss it.
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Date Posted: 12:55:14 04/25/06 Tue

Only stories like this originate from my beloved NASCAR... My hunch is there is no other way that Donny Lynn Wright would have rather gone out...

April 25, 2006
TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP) -- Two NASCAR fans were electrocuted in a campground outside Talladega Superspeedway when a flagpole they were erecting touched power lines.

Donny Lynn Wright, 42, of Remlap and Keith Alan Stell, 39, of Birmingham died Monday, said track spokeswoman Kristi King. Talladega County Coroner Jerry Castleberry pronounced them dead at the scene.

The Aaron's 499 race will be run at the track on Sunday. Fans commonly use poles to fly flags touting their favorite driver.

Witnesses said Wright and Stell were attempting to anchor a flagpole when it was caught by wind and pushed into power lines running along a road outside the track.

"They were trying to pull the flagpole back off the lines," said James Snider, who was sitting about 30 yards away from the victims' camp site. "I heard a loud pop that sounded like a firecracker, and I went running because the power lines fell. They were both lying on the ground, and two women were trying to get to them to get them away from the wires."
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Date Posted: 08:53:17 04/23/06 Sun

Thanks for the clarification on turds...

Check me if I'm wrong Sandy, but I think I may have won the inaugural "turd of the week" award.
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Date Posted: 20:29:00 04/22/06 Sat

oh and the pic up top would be funnier if you could make out the cover of the book that is baffling Houston. Simply says Gus Malzahn. I think it's the first edition of this:
Subject: a good 3 hrs late for picks

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Date Posted: 20:25:12 04/22/06 Sat

Martin, Booger, Booger, and Farty-Butt
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 15:20:39 04/22/06 Sat

The Pimp's terd free picks = Stewart, McMurray (part terd), Biffle, and Edwards.
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Date Posted: 17:14:03 04/21/06 Fri

I like the turd of the week idea.

Hugs n Kisses,

Last-Place Lappy
Subject: Phoenix

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Date Posted: 16:56:06 04/21/06 Fri

Dale Jr.
Kurt Busch
Robby Gordon
Subject: Phoenix

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Date Posted: 16:52:50 04/21/06 Fri

Dale Jr.
Kurt Busch
Robby Gordon
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Date Posted: 14:57:58 04/21/06 Fri

lawyer speak...."while i may agree"...you either agree or don't, my friend. but i do agree...we are doing a better job identifing turds.

Barry for your clarification:

Turd = the long list of drivers that you could put all there names in a hat and draw one out and still have about as good a chance that they'll run well in a given week. Pretty much anyone $750k and below...but you can find a few anomolies higher priced than that (Reed Sorenson @ $1.25m and 19th in the points...now tell me who's gonna pay that for him?)

The major thing we've done is identify the big name turds...for example Bobby Labonte...on paper...looks like he's a decent pick...but c'mon...he drives for petty...so he's good for a top 15 once in about 6 races.

We should create a top turd sniffer of the week award. The person who can pick that forth driver that is $750k priced and down that finishes the best...gets the top turd sniffer of the week award.
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Date Posted: 13:40:27 04/21/06 Fri

Your explanation of what a turd is, was not clear to me. However, I think I like turds.

J Gordon, Kurt Busch, B Labonte, Biffle
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 11:46:23 04/21/06 Fri

While I may agree that terd sniffin' is an unavoidable consequence of our little game, at least we are doing a better job of identifying the terds.
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Date Posted: 09:09:45 04/21/06 Fri

phoenix pix - Jeff Gordon, Kurt Busch, Newman, Mayfield

Now for the Chub's Commentary -

As the weeks go by, it's becoming more apparent that the new driver cost system is going to have an adverse effect on what it was designed to prevent...That's right...Turd Sniffing.

LET THE TURD SNIFFING BEGIN!!!!!!! Turd sniffing you say? Well chubs...that looks like a decent lineup. Sure at first glance it does look like a good line up...but it's only highlighted with big name turds....Newman is 18th in point...Mayfield is 35th.

A turd is a turd...no matter the name attached. So good luck fellow Dog Town leaguers...There's a stench coming...smell it...embrace it...mmmm let the Dave Stremme pics begin.
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Date Posted: 11:15:47 04/20/06 Thu

Early pics: Biffle, Edwards, Burton & Henny Damlin.
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El Slapitan
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Date Posted: 12:16:54 04/18/06 Tue

I did...I did
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 16:17:57 04/14/06 Fri

Who knew that the last word in lonsome was me?

I thought it was hilarious for them to point out the superbowl ring.
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Date Posted: 16:09:56 04/12/06 Wed

Why wasn't I made aware of this sooner?!?

Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 11:50:26 04/09/06 Sun

jr, edwards, biffle, and b labonte
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Date Posted: 09:07:42 04/09/06 Sun

Kurt, McMurray, Henny Damlin, Biffle
eat it
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 08:15:54 04/09/06 Sun

Sadler, Kenseth, Mayfield and B.Labonte.
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Date Posted: 19:14:18 04/08/06 Sat

texas pix....kurt busch, edwards, biffle, burton

spending exactly $5m has always been unlucky for me....so i guess i'll start my run to the bottom...
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Date Posted: 06:54:42 04/08/06 Sat

Jr., Labonte, Biffle & Edwards
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 14:03:14 04/07/06 Fri

God forgive me.

1. If you are over thirty and you have a washboard stomach, you are gay. It means you haven't sucked back enough beer with the boys and have spent the rest of your free time doing sit-ups, aerobics, and doing the Oprah diet.

2. If you have a cat, you are a Flaaaaming homo. A cat is like a dog, but gay - it grooms itself constantly but never scratches itself, has a delicate touch except when it uses its nails, and whines to be fed. And just think
about how you call a dog... "Killer, come here! I said get your ass over here, Killer!" Now think about how you call a cat... "Bun-bun, come to daddy, snookums!" Jeeezus, you're fit to be framed, you're so gay.

3. If you suck on lollipops, Ring-Pops, baby pacifiers, or any such nonsense, rest assured, you are a Gaylord. A straight man only sucks on bar-b-que ribs, crab claws, raw oysters, crawfish guts, pickled pigs feet, or tits. Anything else and you are in training to suck El Dicko and
undeniably a fag.

4. If you refuse to take a dump in a public bathroom or piss in a parking lot, you crave a deep homosexual relationship. A man's world is his bathroom; he defecates and urinates where he pleases.

5. If you drink decaf coffee with skim milk, you like a high hard one in the poop chute. Coffee is to be had strong, black, and full aroma. A straight man will never be heard ordering a "Decaf Cafe Latte with Skim" and he will never, ever know what artificial sweetener tastes like. If you've had NutraSweet in your mouth, you've had a man there, too.

6. If you know more than six names of colors or four different types of dessert, you might as well be handing out free passes to your ass. A real man doesn't have memory space in his brain to remember all of that crap as
well as all the names of all the players in the Major league, NFL, NHL, college ball, PGA and NASCAR. If you can pick out chartreuse or you know what a "fressier" is you're gay. And if you can name ANY type of textile
other than denim, you are faggadocious.

7. If you drive with both hands on the wheel, forget it, you're dying to tune a meat whistle. A man only puts both hands on the wheel to honk at a slow-ass driver or to cut the punk off. The rest of the time he needs that hand to change the radio station, eat a hamburger, hold his beer, or play with his honey in the passenger seat.

8. If you enjoy romantic comedies or French films, mon-frere, vous c'est leGay, oui? The only time it is acceptable to watch one of those is with a woman who knows how to reward her man. Watching any of the above films by
yourself or with another man is likely to result in SHC (spontaneous homosexual combustion), which is what happens to fags when they flame out too.
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Date Posted: 10:58:59 04/07/06 Fri

As with being married, you take horn tootin anytime you can get it.

Is there a way to get a pic of someone wearing the shirt for the forum photo?
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Date Posted: 09:41:48 04/07/06 Fri

J Gordon, Kurt Busch, J Burton, J Mayfield
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Date Posted: 08:45:19 04/07/06 Fri

Get yer hands on some of those shirts...I must have one
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 07:46:29 04/07/06 Fri


I wasn't really asking for more horn tooting. It was more grumbling about the horn tooting that had already taken place.

Slap, you will be happy to know that my buddy here at work who goes to the Texas race every year with a group of 13 guys, some of whom are huge JR fans, had T-shirts made up with a blown up picture of our very own smiling tard with an e on the front and "alls I want to do is race, Diddy" underneath the picture on the back. Good chance he won't survive the trip, but it is a damned funny way to get killed.
Subject: TEXAS

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Date Posted: 15:18:43 04/06/06 Thu

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Date Posted: 13:09:06 04/06/06 Thu

Picking Scott Riggs and having him in the top 10 is like picking a number in roulette and having it hit.

This week...I'm thinking Brent Sherman.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:11:31 04/06/06 Thu

Horn tooter
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Date Posted: 09:06:45 04/03/06 Mon

Scott Riggs...Now that's what I'm talking about.
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Date Posted: 12:54:33 04/02/06 Sun

gravy pix
J Gordon
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Date Posted: 10:35:20 04/02/06 Sun

J Gordon, J Burton, Kurt Busch, Labonte

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Date Posted: 08:07:43 04/02/06 Sun

martinsville - stewart, kurt busch, mcmurray, b. labonte
Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 23:50:35 04/01/06 Sat

martinsville picks j gordon, m martin, b labonte, s marlin
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Date Posted: 07:24:54 04/01/06 Sat

Jeff Gordon, Stewart, Mcmurray and Scott (I'm wrecking with Mayfield and Labonte) Riggs
Subject: Martinsville

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Date Posted: 17:36:57 03/31/06 Fri

J Gordon
Kurt Busch
Bobby Labonte
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El Slappo
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Date Posted: 16:20:08 03/31/06 Fri

Those pics are a disaster waiting to happen.
Mayfield and Labonte will wreck each other...Then it's back to the Real World/Road Rules Challenge Marathon for you.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 08:36:41 03/31/06 Fri

For Martinsville - Dale Jr., Stewart, Bobby Labonte and Jeremy Mayfield.
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Date Posted: 10:40:59 03/30/06 Thu

Early Picks

J Gordon, Newman, McMurray, B Labonte
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Date Posted: 15:14:46 03/27/06 Mon

Superb Video
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:47:29 03/27/06 Mon

Subject: bristol picks

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Date Posted: 12:05:31 03/26/06 Sun

bristol picks : stewart, junior, kurt busch, carl edwards.
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Date Posted: 09:10:26 03/26/06 Sun

for bristol - jeff gordon, biffle, newman, kurt busch
Subject: Period

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Date Posted: 22:57:42 03/25/06 Sat

Slappy's Super-Terrific-Fun-Time-Happy-Pants Picks:

In order of finish:

1. Harvick
2. Stewart
3. Kurt Busch
4. Jeff Burton

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Date Posted: 13:32:28 03/25/06 Sat

bristol - kenseth, biffle, harvick, kurt busch
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:24:54 03/25/06 Sat

Bristol - Kennseth, Kurt Busch, Mayfield and Stewart.
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Date Posted: 07:03:21 03/25/06 Sat

Stewart, Kurt Busch, Jeff Gordon & Edwards (he has to have a good race sooner or later right?
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Date Posted: 11:20:30 03/24/06 Fri

Kenseth, Harvick, Biffle, Kurt Busch
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 10:39:24 03/24/06 Fri

I wish my name was Earl.
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Date Posted: 10:26:09 03/24/06 Fri

you know...watching the LSU - Duke game, I noticed something....

is it just me or does cross-eyed Glen "Big Baby" Davis look like a clean shaven black version of Randy from My Name Is Earl? You decide....

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Subject: Bristol

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Date Posted: 09:40:29 03/24/06 Fri

Kurt Busch
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Date Posted: 14:41:08 03/20/06 Mon

Labonte...What the hell was I thinkin'??
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Date Posted: 09:50:30 03/20/06 Mon

J Burton, Stewart, Edwards, B Labonte
Subject: atl picks

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Date Posted: 14:35:04 03/19/06 Sun

stewert, junior, biffle, edwards..i love rain delays
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Date Posted: 09:54:56 03/19/06 Sun

hotlanta picks - Martin, Biffle, Edwards, Kurt Busch
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 09:48:10 03/19/06 Sun

Atlanta picks: Kurt Busch, Greg Biffle, Matt Kenseth and Bobby Labonte.

That's right. I said Bobby Labonte.
Subject: Atlanta

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Date Posted: 13:35:58 03/18/06 Sat

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Date Posted: 11:09:51 03/18/06 Sat

Henny Damlin, Edwards, Biffle and McMurray.

Is Waste Management really sponsoring a car?
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Date Posted: 08:28:57 03/18/06 Sat

Pimp, what's your feelings on TO possibly going to your Cowboys?
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Date Posted: 08:12:42 03/16/06 Thu

Early Picks - Dale Jr, T Stewart, G Biffle, C Edwards
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Date Posted: 07:11:39 03/15/06 Wed

Who's Your Daddy announced it has entered into a sponsorship agreement to be the exclusive primary sponsor of Sacks Motorsports for the 2006 Nextel Cup Season. Greg Sacks will drive the Who's Your Daddy #13 Ford, debuting at the Atlanta Motor Speedway in the Golden Coral 500, this Sunday, March 19, 2006.(Greg Sacks site/BusinessWire)(3-15-2006).

That's Priceless.
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Date Posted: 15:06:19 03/12/06 Sun

Changing Lineups - Kenseth, Kyle Busch, Biffle, Stewart
Subject: vegas

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Date Posted: 09:13:04 03/12/06 Sun

picks - kenseth, j burton, biffle, and edwards...
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Date Posted: 16:20:07 03/11/06 Sat

Stewart, Biffle, Kenseth and Kurt Busch

I curse you again pimp

viva la 380!
Subject: Vegas

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Date Posted: 15:14:00 03/10/06 Fri

Kyle Busch
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Date Posted: 10:42:38 03/10/06 Fri

Johnson, Stewart, Biffle & Edwards.
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Date Posted: 10:25:41 03/10/06 Fri

J Gordon, T. Stewart, C Edwards, Kurt Busch
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Date Posted: 09:06:39 03/10/06 Fri

early vegas picks: Martin, Jeff Gordon, Stewart, Biffle
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 13:48:50 03/08/06 Wed

Vegas Picks: T.Stewart, G.Biffle, M.Kenseth and Kurt Busch.

I'm going to the top baby!
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Date Posted: 11:14:14 03/02/06 Thu

Jew-Sponsored Stock Car Booed Off Track

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Date Posted: 09:07:36 03/02/06 Thu

The league has to be rigged:

1. Casey
29. Brandi
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Date Posted: 14:59:34 02/26/06 Sun

GravyGash's pix
Edwards, Biffle, J Gordon, Kurt Busch
Subject: Picks

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Date Posted: 13:39:10 02/26/06 Sun

picks - stewart , Jr, mcmurray, edwards -
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:34:45 02/26/06 Sun

Jeff's picks: Newman, Kurt Busch, Kyle Busch and Greg Biffle

Shonda's picks: Edwards, Johnson, Kurt Busch and Biffle.
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Date Posted: 10:52:41 02/26/06 Sun

J Gordon, Johnson, Kurt Busch, Biffle

That would've been 8 million last year...
Subject: fontana

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Date Posted: 21:19:18 02/25/06 Sat

But I can't afford my dream team of Casey Mears, Schrader, Robby Gordon and Kirk Shelmerdine.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 20:53:37 02/25/06 Sat

You can all afford them and I am posting them for everyone to see. Don't say you weren't privy to 1,2,3,& 4.

Pimp Picks - Kennseth, Biffle, M.Martin, J.McMurray
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Big Pimpin
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Date Posted: 20:51:06 02/25/06 Sat

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Date Posted: 11:31:19 02/25/06 Sat

Johnson, Stewart, Kurt Busch and Edwards. I've exceeded 5,000,000 (dumbass) with much worse drivers.
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Date Posted: 11:17:58 02/24/06 Fri

Kurt Busch, C Edwards, T Stewart, J McMurray
Subject: California

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Date Posted: 22:38:45 02/23/06 Thu

J Gordon
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 12:14:56 02/23/06 Thu

Terd sniffin is out the window.

Be patient. It will straighten out in three or four races and the ridiculous bargains will be gone.

I think it will be interesting how I prove this week that I could pick without a cost sheet and not win this sum bitch! Maybe even with 5 drivers, but at least the stench of terds is gone.
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Date Posted: 10:47:03 02/23/06 Thu

Dayton, what the hell is Dayton?
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Date Posted: 10:34:38 02/23/06 Thu

Yep, the beauty of Dayton taking out drivers...Big names available for under 1,000,000. New scheme for the drivers points and value...Brilliant.
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Date Posted: 10:27:18 02/23/06 Thu

the early bird pics for cali - Jimmy the cheater Johnson, Martin, Kurt Busch, Carl Edwards....

yep it fits....and with $700k to spare

should be some big time line ups this week.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 08:57:14 02/23/06 Thu

Bravo! on the caption. I say Bravo!
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Date Posted: 16:09:31 02/22/06 Wed

Any of you guys driven the new Vette? I had the chance this Sunday right before the 500. My wife's boss (dentist) came by and let us take the car out (Black). First time in a Vette. Super low. Got to the highway, not much traffic, so I coasted down to about 30 MPH. With a straight shot and no cops in sight, I hit the gas, and was at about 95 MPH in OH MY GOD THIS THING IS FAST seconds. In the words of Rusty, that was a nice hot rod.
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Date Posted: 13:25:58 02/22/06 Wed

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Date Posted: 11:17:23 02/22/06 Wed

Gravy, I forwarded Kyle's email address to you. There's no telling if he will check the forum again before it's time to post drivers. Then again, he may run his mouth since he finished in the top 10 during his first week.

I think it should now be a requirement that Pimp post every weekend when he gets drunk. It can be the first weekly column for the forum.
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Big Pimpin'
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Date Posted: 10:56:10 02/22/06 Wed

The craziest thing about typing while you are drunk - I have looked at that drunk post a few times since I have sobered up, and had know idea what "I can see Jimmy while I am typing now" meant. Then while I am sitting here at work twiddling my thumbs I thought I would point out that I had no idea, when what do you know? as I come to post I see Mr. Spencer grinin' at me and everything came rushing back. That was delightful.

I am really upset that "dem COWBOYS" came out "the COWBOYS" totally ruins the Jimmy Johnson effect.

I listen to Master of Puppets at least once every two weeks and have for probably the last three years and guarantee you that I am triple my twelve year old fighting weight. That was funny Gravy.

I swear Slap, we finally get the Ally Cat back and you go firing off cuss words!

Can we all agree to call Denny Henny from here on out?
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Date Posted: 09:38:18 02/22/06 Wed

Kyle what is your email? You can email me @ mkemp@ark13.com, if you don't feel comfortable posting it here. Thanks
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Date Posted: 09:32:46 02/22/06 Wed

Hamlin's gay, Stewart's fat, and journalist's have run out of questions to ask:

Q: You've already got a reputation as a good dresser. Where do you like to shop back in North Carolina?

Hamlin: Ah, you know, I am a pretty big fan of Banana Republic and places like that. Anywhere in Birkdale [Village], they seem like they have some pretty good clothes there. I don't know. I am definitely am a shopaholic though.

Q: Doesn't sound like Tony Stewart would be caught dead in any of those places. Does he rib you about that any?

Hamlin: Ah, no. Not too much. If he ribs me about that, I will rib him about his weight.
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Mud Slaps
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Date Posted: 21:01:00 02/21/06 Tue

Chad Knaus is a Kacheat. Good Gnews for Gary Gnu

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Wet Blanket
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Date Posted: 20:50:31 02/21/06 Tue

I totally jinxed pimp's pix. I rule

Jimm(ie) is a chode.
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Date Posted: 13:39:25 02/21/06 Tue

Pimp - Count me in on your double or nothing offer. That $20 will nicely cover my cost of winning this league.
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 13:35:52 02/21/06 Tue

On a side note to those who care. Master of Puppets was released 20 years ago on this date and I have officialy tripled my weight from that date to now. Now my nickname finally makes sense.
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Date Posted: 12:23:09 02/21/06 Tue

From henceforth you shall be known as Rage Kage and be dubbed a kick ass Duke, but for now we need you to go to Idaho. There is a potato shortage. Welcome to our league where apparently members can use a keyboard and blow a 3.6 at the same time. Pimp I had a hangover after I read your post. I didn't think it was possible for alcohol to be sent via message board, but I have been proven wrong. Can you try some Makers Mark next time, the Miller Lite was stale. Smell the glove!!
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Date Posted: 11:41:02 02/19/06 Sun

KH (Kyle) is one of my friends here in NC. New to the league this season. Sorry Kyle, you have to wear the yellow stripes for a while.
Subject: picks

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Date Posted: 10:29:37 02/19/06 Sun

500 picks, Harvick, j gordon, jr, and truex jr.
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Date Posted: 09:35:21 02/19/06 Sun

daytona picks - jr, waltrip, burton, jarrett
Subject: Daytona

B.J. Johnson
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Date Posted: 21:31:02 02/18/06 Sat

Kyle Busch
Subject: .

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Date Posted: 14:16:24 02/18/06 Sat

Them's bite marks.

I'm too tired and too lazy to calculate my own picks so I'm gonna mooch the Pimp's spectacular drunken picks.
Gordo, Jr., Kenseth, Henny Damlin. I really hope you added them up, cause I aint gonna bother.
Go car race!
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Date Posted: 09:19:39 02/18/06 Sat

Forgot to answer the question, I vote cigarette burns.
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Date Posted: 08:16:56 02/18/06 Sat

Man I miss the drunk Pimp. Aw the memories...wait, that sounds weird.

Good picks Pimp. I am still debating Hamlin. I'm thinking he won't get drafting help like in the Shootout, unless he can get near Tony. Talked to Sterling this week. He said they had a good backup hotrod and should be ok, so I promised him I would pick him this week. May have to change that before the green flag though.

How about the Z06 pace car? Wow. Now that's purdy.
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