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Date Posted: 13:10:07 10/12/02 Sat
Author: Anonymous
Subject: sexing my cinnamon

first i bought a cinnamon but the next day he was dead :( we still don't know why the bird died my the one cousin bought(girl for sure) didn't die
so my we went back and they had 1 more cinnamon (actually 2 but the second looked sickly and old and he wasn't to nice a color) but he/she was in the cage that the day before they said was the female cage(i remember her/him beacuase i tried to get my cousin to buy that girl instead becuase the one she got was too plain and they only had 1 pied and he was in the boy cage) but they said that was the boy cage so we got that one

now i want to know what he/she really is, she/he has a bright face but the yellow doesn't go past his/her eyes or cheek, only when he/she's puffed up sometimes her cheeks look really dark(when she's puffed) it doesn't sing but chirps when it wants to fly away from me it's going through it's first molt so hopefully when his wing feathers grow back we can check the spots we can't check now because he/she was such a good flyer that we had to cut some of it's secondaries and i can't remember up to where they went up to 2 of it's tail feather r yekkow with grey stripes i tried looking at pics on the internet but they where no help
so what does my bird sound like to u guys

thanx for the time

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