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Date Posted: 05:53:59 03/13/02 Wed
Author: David Maniac
Author Host/IP: spider-tn084.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Try Out

( The scene opens up and shows a wrestler called David Maniac, David is around 6'2 and weighs 234 pounds, he always takes his matches to the xtreme, he has a manager called Rebecca, she has blonde hair and always wears a short top with a long pair of pants, David Maniac then turns round and looks at the camera, he is wearing a shirt with fire on it and long, baggy pants. They are sitting in the middle of a park, just looking around. )

Rebecca: What in the world are we doing, just tell me for heavens sake, it's freezing out here and you brought me out here to look into a camera, god you wrong in the head.

David Maniac: How do you work this stupid thing, no wonder people spend a tenner on these. they don't work.

Rebecca: God give it here.

( She picks it up and slams it on the floor on the floor and starts stamping on it, then she picks it upand chucks it into the trash. )

David Maniac: Why the F**k did you do that, i needed that.

Rebecca: You need to start training, havn't you got a match against ' extra large ' fryin brian.

David Maniac: Yeah, fryin brian, the man of destruction, the master of mayhem. Well Brain, I have something to say about that, that's a load of bullshit, you have a steel chair you hit people with and that's it, you never have seemed to say you're the best, I know that at carnage, you're gonna be the most beaten up wrestler anyone has ever seen, do you know why, because i don't have any regrets to what i do to people, look at reastin peace, I put him in the hospital for life almost with a career threating injury, that's the problem with me Brian, I don't care what I do to people, if it's break a leg, break their back. That's why i got here into the scw, my power, my xtreme, my glory. so that is why you better watch out incase I do the same to you, wasn't a wise idea picking me to face you in a flaming table match was it fryin. Cos after tonight, you'll be the one who is fryin.

Rebecca: So can we go now.

( Scene closes)

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