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Date Posted: 01:49:09 03/28/02 Thu
Author: UP Inc.
Author Host/IP: HSE-Toronto-ppp306480.sympatico.ca /
Subject: Just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad.

(The shot opens with a very quick spin around a large room, with oak trim and a fresh coat of white paint. Groupdonator "The Evil Giant" is on one side, and Mike Dynamite on the other, they are both wearing business suits, and typing away at their own personal laptop computers. These two men do not seem happy)

Group: Mike, I'm sick of this!

Mike: What?

Group: This! (Group turns the computer around) Look at the transcripts I found online of all the interviews done all over the world.

Mike: Yea, I can see them, what's you point?

Group: Watch! (Group holds down the page down button, and has it go for several seconds without stoping, finally it stops and the computer beeps back) See my point!

Mike: That was a joke right? No one in their right mind really goes on and on in an interview like that?

Group: Well it sure seems like it, every site, every promotion, the same thing, long interviews. Not only that wrestlers have their OWN web pages, and they post the transcripts on it.

Mike: Your kidding!?

Group: I wish I was. They have pictures and use different fonts, and flashy colors.

Mike: What ever happened to wrestling? When did it turn into a "Who could talk longer federation"?

Group: I don't know. Can't people get the point across in 4000 words or less? Do they have to paint a picture of words everytime? Do I care what the sky looked like? What does it matter if they did the interview in a dark room, a sinking ship, or while standing under a rainbow!

Mike: It doesn't matter that's the point! We are the greatest one, two punch around. We don't need flashy music, laser shows, fireworks, or anything else. We prove our worth in the ring, we prove that we belong in a wrestling ring by winning matches, by not backing down, by fighting when all odds are against us.

Group: We don't smack people with chairs, or throw people through tables, we fight fair! We fight as hard as anyone else!

(Sounding very agravated)
Mike: Who are these people who tell us that when we cut a promo, it has to be done their way! Why can't we stand in front of a cut out background, say fifty words a peice go to the ring and prove that we are the best!

Group: It's not about the spooky graveyard that you stand in, or about how much TV time it takes for you to cut a promo, it's not even about what kind of outfit your wearing, it's about the words that leave your mouth and what you can back it up with!

(Now sounding very angry)
Mike: It's about fighting, and wrestling, and saying what you feel. It's getting those goosebumps all over your body when you walk to the ring, or when you say those words that make your opponent want to throw in the towel.
(Mike slams his hand on the desk)

(Almost yelling)
Group: It's about wrestling, and that's what we do! We wrestle! With our vast, infinite, extensive, but most importantly, unlimited power.

(In a very loud and angry tone of voice, Mike stands)
Mike: We are the Unlimited Powers.

(You can see Mike's heavy breathing as his cheast moves up and down, in and out. The screen fades out, and to black the words UP Inc. Appear on screen, with an announcers voice heard, "UP Inc. "We Don't Say We're the Best, Everyone Else Dose" as these last words are said they scroll in smaller font right under the words UP Inc. the screen then fades to black)

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