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Subject: The Goddess of Darkness

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Date Posted: 13:06:17 02/01/04 Sun

The Goddess of Darkness..

New fatal strolls gracefully into this new land, extremely large paws sink easily into the deep snow..Her tawny and white pelt is riddled with faint stripes and spots..Her father a leo, her mother a tigeress. Brillant amber jewels look into the white wilderness. Lifting her massive headpeice to the wind she inhales the cold air deeply.White puffs of smoke rise from her nostrils as she exhales. A low chuff slips out expressing her happiness to be in this place. Continuing her stroll she is an imtimidating figuar to see let alone come across, simply from her size and strength. She has three scratch scars on the right side of her face, along with her markings. Auds stay alert to the sounds of approuching felines or anything unusal, striped tail sways back and forth slowly. Finding a tree she rises herself and locks her talons into the side of the tree, powerful shoulder muscles pull her forlegs down, ripping bark and bits of wood from the tree. Feeling content with marking her first piece of territory she continues to do so on other trees around the area. Chisled muscles ripple under her beautiful hide, clearly seen in every movement made by she. Massive neck muscles contract lifting her headpiece to the sky, vocals erupts sending a deep, loud roar to all in this land of her presence, and also claiming this area hers.

The Goddess of Darkness..

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[best.pay.up]Ransom15:21:28 02/01/04 Sun

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