Date Posted:10:53:41 07/16/13 Tue Author: cyndi Author Host/IP: / Subject: I have to say that Roger Howarth is so good that I am over the fact they brought him back to GH as Franco. From what I've read at the wubsnet they are going to write a story with an explanation of his nutty, sometimes evil, behavior. I don't care how out there it is because I get to watch RH every week. He is awesome.
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Crud! My cable was out today for about 2 hours and I missed GH. Do you know if I can watch it today online? I won't be home tomorrow and am dvr'ing that episode. -- cyndi, 15:48:33 07/17/13 Wed(
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just soapnet on tv i think the same day episodes are on at 7pm et and weekends they show the full weeks episodes -- den, 06:42:04 07/19/13 Fri(
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We don't get that channel. I watched online at abc and it was awful. The commercials were unrelenting and you can't ff through them. Ugh! At least I knew what was going on, more or less. Our cable was out again yesterday for about 2 hours, no explanation. I'm not too happy with them. Hope it's okay today or it will be three days in a row of horrible service. -- cyndi, 08:30:39 07/19/13 Fri(