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Date Posted: 22:26:15 09/25/03 Thu
Author: irfan qaiser
Subject: introduction
In reply to: Lever Surgical Instruments 's message, "Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements" on 03:51:28 01/20/03 Mon

Special note: firstly I want informs u that we are in FDA attachments “b”
We have a good quality with low prices it is proposal for new customers.

Dear Sir

We are much please to inform you that we are manufacturer and direct first class export of under products.

1) Surgical Instruments
2) Dental Instruments
3) Manicure Instruments
4) Veterinary Instruments
5) SCissors of all sorts.

All Products PLEASANT SURGICO are manufactured from high Quality Stainless Steel, comfortable handling with minimal fatigue. Handles are specially crafted form easy rotation, better control and greater precision, with the help of diligent workers under the supervision of well technical educated supervisors who've many decades of experience on their back. Strive for complete perfection is our belief and customer's highest satisfaction is our scope and purpose.

Our company is certified company, we have under certficate.
1) ISO 9002
2) ISO 13488
3) EN 46002
4) CE Marking
5) cGMP
6) FDA

Wish you all the best.


IRFAN QAISER (Export Manager)

PLeasant Surgico
Muhammed Pura, P.O.Box: 1518
Sialkot-51310, PAksitan.
Tel:- 0092 432 588082
Fax:- 092 432 593852
Website:- www.pleasantsurgico.net
Email:- irfanq@pleasantsurgico.net

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  • relationship -- sophia obaseki, 18:37:07 09/26/03 Fri
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