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Date Posted: 10:38:33 05/24/04 Mon
Author: M Usman
Subject: Re: Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements
In reply to: Lever Surgical Instruments 's message, "Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements" on 03:51:28 01/20/03 Mon

Dear Customer's

We are an old manufacturing company of all types of VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS
Farm Ranch Equipments & Farrier Tools of all sorts since 1932.

We are also one of those very few real manufacturing companies who have
established EXPORT SECTION to have direct contacts with foreign importers dealing
in our type of instruments because, during the past , we used to manufacturing these
instruments only for local Government Livestock departments.

Being basically manufacturing, we can supply you good quality on considerably
competitive prices. we can also make your particularly required instruments, apart
from our regular production range.

We can also manufacturing and supply your instruments with loge / brand of your
company for your re-export purpose under your own name, if you require so.

We hope that we can do good business with your company to our mutual interest
and benefit.

Hoping to hear from you very soon we wish you are a very good day.

Best regards.
Sincerely Yours,

Chief Executive

Noorvet Corporation ( Pvt ) Ltd.,
P.O.Box no 2497 Baital Noor Building,
Tel:-92 300 610 7240
E-mail:- noorvet@cyber.net.pk
WEB: <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://groups.msn.com/noorvet">http://groups.msn.com/noorvet</a>

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  • Re: Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements -- Dr. Fazan Yousaf, 01:09:04 06/01/04 Tue
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