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Date Posted: 09:21:33 06/28/04 Mon
Author: Dr Tawfik R Harisha
Subject: Re: Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments
In reply to: Tariq Mughal 's message, "Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments" on 03:36:58 04/07/03 Mon

Dear Sir
I gout your business reference from inter net & I have
introduce my company to you
We are The Libya equipment& medical services . co e was found in 1992 as
leader company in pharmaceutics & medical equipment .
In 2000 we opened dental department in our company leaded by the most
experienced personal in Libyan market where we have been supported by
many of
decision makers in ministry of health .
Our activities in Libyan market as dealer & tender .
We have abroad network that extend to the middle & north Europe and south
Asia we representing GNATUS , SiCan , Carle Baich companies
Our big activity in Libya was the established the chains medical center
Tripoli & Ben gaze .
we looking forward to make deals with your co. & represent it in our
market ,
we have an small order , so urgently if you are interested
please send to us your dental catalog & price list & some sample ( forceps +filing instrument + mirror + elevator with it is packing ) on our milling address
Libya equipment & medical services co.
Elnophleen street Tripoli / Libya
P.O.Box 12886 Tripoli Libya
Waiting your reply as soon as possible

At the end we would like to thank you for your cooperation and we will
be very pleased to hear from you soon.

D. r Tawfik R . Harisha
Vic President of Libya dental association
Marketing manager
Libya equipment& medical services co.

>Tell no. 00218213403323-3405617
>Fax no. 00218213404119
>Mobil No. 00218912189450
>P.O.Box 12886 Tripoli / Libya

email : lemsc@maktoob.com

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  • Re: Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments -- Rauf, 05:47:58 06/29/04 Tue
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