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Date Posted: 09:32:23 07/07/04 Wed
Author: Electro /General Surgical instruments
Subject: Re: Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements
In reply to: Leon Terblanche 's message, "Re: Surgical,Dental,Veterinary Instruments & Manicure Implements" on 04:36:26 05/20/03 Tue

>Dear Sir,

We are the manufacturers and exporter of Surgical Instruments .Our products are followings

Surgical Instruments.
1-General Surgery Instruments
2-Ent Operating Instruments
3-Gyn/neuro surgery
4-Dental Instruments.
5-Manicure Instruments & Kits
6-All purpose Using Scissors, Barer/Razor/Utility /Hose Holding Scissors.

1- Bipolars All Types European & Americans Fitting
2- Monopolars All kinds, Like Adson ,Janson, Bayonet ,Jewelers,
3- Electrodes,Hooks
4- Electro pencil Disposable Reusable,
Technical, Specifications, 100% Match to international standard.
Passed through all required /possible tests with in specific range. As insulation /Di- electric /material Composition/autoclave Cycle/ & etc.
We know it very clear these are live instruments and very precious/Sensitive and required Very high Technical Knowledge, If you needed to import these instruments in your country. are want to develop something special at economically biases, we offer our Services, Contact for Samples of all kind General Surgery Electro Surgery send trile order, and Freely Test our quality, get all compulsory Tests in required frequency/autoclaved Temp range. magnet/non magnet/Hardness /material testing Reports. If you will satisfied with our products then do business with us, But Priority to do business in ELECTRO-SURGICAL-INSTRUMENTS.
Our Rates are slightly better than other’s but too better than others in Quality. If You needed other surgical items T/C, Dental /veterinary/ laryngoscopes /razor scissors /barber Scissors/Utiliy, Plastic Handle/ manicure kits,instruments contact at your earliest time.
We are very Thank full for Tacking time
Note; Our Web Side Is Under Construction Visit us Soon
waiting your positive response

Richfield Surgical
Sialkot Pakistan
Po Box# 2406
Tel/Fax+92 432 630123
www.rfsurgical.com info@rfsurgical.com

>We are a South African Medical Company, and we are
>currently searching for a supplier of surgical
>instrument sets for the different projects we are
>working on in Africa. Could you please get in touch
>with our company via e-mail , as we would like to send
>you our list of requirements.
>Awaiting your prompt reply, we remain with our best
>Kind Regards
>Leon Terblanche
>Hospital Assist Africa Group of Companies

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