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Date Posted: 20:15:58 07/03/05 Sun
Author: International Traders Syndicate (M.Anwar)
Subject: Re: Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments
In reply to: Muhammad Nadeem 's message, "Re: Manicure instrument, veterniary instruments, dental instruments" on 17:56:33 01/03/04 Sat

International Traders Syndicate
A-14 S.I.E. Sialkot PAKISTAN
Tel# +92-52-3256157, Fax # +92-52-3557751
E-Mail its1@skt.pol.com.pk

Are you looking Dental Instruments?
Try our instruments…
We are the leading manufacturer/supplier of Quality
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Dental Syringe, Dental Forceps, Impression Tray &
Endodontic Dental tray Extracting Forceps Davies Root
Splinter Forceps Pinches a Fragments Pinzas Para
Fragmentos form of Amerikanische, Root Elevators,
Elevateurs a Raciness, Elevadores Para Raices,Bone
Rongeurs, Pinces-Gouges, Pinzas-Gubias, Raspatories,
Periosteal Elevators Gum Scissors Scalers,Excavators,
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instruments a cire et a modeler talladores para cera Y
para modelar, Pliers for Orthodontics and Prosthetics
Forceps de Extraccion, English pattern Forme Anglaise
Forma Inglesa, Zahnzangen Englishche Forceps
instrument and Laryngoscope. Our mission is to provide
the very best high performance instruments available
to the surgical, Dental community today.....and in the
future. To be at the forefront of the surgical and
dental instrument industry in developing new and
innovative instrumentation for the surgical techniques
while also producing the best of the past.
waiting for your early and positive response.

With Best Regards,
Muhammad Anwar

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