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Date Posted: 08:29:31 01/19/06 Thu
Author: Noorvet Corporation Usman
Subject: manufactrurers & exporter of veterinary instruments horse farrier equipments & equestrian products


Dear Sir / Madam

We would like to inform you that our company Noorvet Corporation Established since 1932 in Sialkot Pakistan an outstanding reputation for manufacturing and exporting of Veterinary, farmer, Livestock, Agriculture, Garden, Tong Forceps, Farrier tools, Animals care, surgical, Dental instrumentsEquestrian Products & Manicure Instruments.

Our Instruments/products are engineered with the user in mind-easy to use, technologic superior, innovative and of the highest quality as per international standard DIN ISO 9001:2000 DIN EN 46002 by TUV, CE Marking and cGMP. As a manufacturer we offering to our valuable customers that purchase of instruments which manufactured with excellent quality by Capricorn International and as a manufacturer we always produce all instrufments with excellent quality and provides our valuable customers from 73 years. We are also very good expert for Manufacturing new instruments, Products & every kind of tools according to the customers requirements.

All instruments/Products marketed by Noorvet Corporation are manufactured to the highest quality as per international standard ISO-9001, CE Marking, cGMP, systems are match apart of our daily products.

Noorvet Corporation has different kinds of machineries in the factory for manufactured all part of instruments correctly for assembling the all instruments with excellent quality. We are expert and have a much experience for producing any new items of any kind. Also Noorvet Corporation have plastic injection molding unit, Putter and Alumina casting unit for the manufacturing difficult items with accuracy.
Noorvet Corporation 9001, CE Marking, cGMP International regulations.

Noorvet Corporation continues research for products development based on the available technology is executed by our competent designs and engineering. Especially Noorvet Corporationproducing veterinary instruments which use for animal care health with superior quality and adherence to ISO standard.

Noorvet Corporation is committed to providing only the highest quality of veterinary, surgical/dental instruments to our world wide valuable customers. As expressed in or mission statement, We strive to offer products to real value that meet our customers needs. Our continuous commitment is to the development of safe and effective products and vet/surgical instruments which help improve the business of our valuable customers after practically.

Always we would like to see our valuable customers with happiness and our business associates who reward us with their confidence in us and our products. We want to provide you with best. This is our promise with you for current and future business.

We will feel much pleasure is you contact quickly with our company for purchasing high quality veterinary/surgical instruments as per manufactured ISO-9001, CE Marking, cGMP systems after considered on my above truly words. Bundle of thanks for reading understanding the history of Noorvet Corporation .

We will be the highly appreciate your nice hopeful reply as soon as possible, which will be Regard able.

Your Cordially

CJ Smith

Noorvet Corporation ( Pvt ) Ltd.,
P.O.Box No 631 Baital Noor Building,
Ahmadpura, Rangpura Sialkot-51310.
Tel:-92 300 610 7240
Personal e-mail:- cjsmith@nvctools.com
E-mail:- noorvet@cyber.net.pk info@nvctools.com
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