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Date Posted: 13:04:14 03/17/02 Sun
Author: Coggs
Subject: Magma Ports Venice and Plains to TFL!

With the release "Venice" and "Plains" Project Magma has completed its original goal of porting all 9 original Myth 2 Bungie netmaps (complete with models and units) to TFL! But don’t expect this to be the last you’ll hear from us, now we can move onto our own original maps, and some of the great 3rd party maps that Myth 2 has to offer.

The creation of "Venice" was lead by Losk of Society of the Journeymen, whose ingenious scripting made the complex models, and collapsible walls possible in the Myth TFL engine. As we’ve come to expect from all Magma ports, there are 3 extremely fun, unique variants created by ChrisP (containing Myth 2 units ported by Losk), opening up whole new strategies and approaches to myth. Diverse unit sets from mort and air-strike CB, to ultra-dark, and light sets, pleasing everyone.

Plains is perhaps the most unique, and creative of all the magma maps made thus-far. "Raid on the Plains" was skipped, but you will find "Demise on the Plains" and 3 new FFA variants. "Strife on the Plains" brings a whole new dimension to Myth strategy, and even more replayablility to TFL. "Riot on the Plains" is an immensely fun, chaotic riot, involving all kinds of fun projectiles, and "Slaughter on the Plains" contains a very well balanced set of units, fun on a wide variety of gametypes. Instead of a 5th netmap, ChrisP decided to create his own coop-map; "Mazzarin’s Demise", which is played out on the "Plains" mesh. In "The Wind Age", Mazzarin (the most powerful Avatar who ever lived), and his comrades equipped with enchanted weapons, face-off against The Watcher, and his massive army of undead. With a little help from Magma member DeadMan of Mything In Action, ChrisP was able to transcend previous unit limits, and on legendary difficulty the solo-map contains nearly 1000 units total! This map is perhaps the most challenging coop ever created.

Historically Mazzarin defeats seven waves of thrall, only to be killed by The Watcher himself. Think you can change history? Well we’re willing to give a "Grounds for Assault 2" map compilation CD to every person on the first team to submit a film of "Mazzarin’s Demise" being beaten on legendary difficulty (cheaters will be disqualified). Send your winning film to me at coggs@hl.udogs.net. Good luck! ;-)

Both maps, and some 3D quicktime movies of the "Plains" mesh can be found at projectmagma.net along with all the other magma creations.

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