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Subject: Pawblade's Bio

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Date Posted: 13:53:43 06/17/06 Sat

Pawblade wandered the country of mossflower with his grandmother, who taught him how to wield many a weapon. One day, they were attacked by a gang of vermin. The leader, who was a fox, slew Pawblade's grandmother, as she was weaponless.Pawblade hid up a tree until the vermin gang moved on. He was alone and afraid. He buried his grandmother, after several hours of digging. He wandered off into Mossflower and foraged for food, as the vermin gang had stolen his supplies. All that was left was an empty haversack and a canteen. He filled his canteen at a nearby stream and filled his haversack with berries, roots and various other edible plants. Eventually, he reached Redwall Abbey, after several weeks of living on his own. His grandmother had told him about the many feasts, welcoming creatures and there would be many others for him to play with. He then dicovered the dibbun club DAB(Dibuns Against Bedtime) and became a member.

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