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Subject: Revised History

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Date Posted: 18:04:41 11/26/06 Sun

Dibbun Seasons:
Quickbow and his older brother, Slit, were dropped off when Quickbow was only newborn, and Slit was naught but two young seasons. The two brothers had been dropped off to the Abbot of Redwall Abbey, and were carefully instructed by the parents, Scott and Stephney Steelpaw, not to tell any of their visit to the Abbey, for an evil stoat had a grudge on them, and was following them with a terrible vengeance. The two older hares did not want any problems for the kind, peaceful Abbey-dwellers, or for their two young sons. The two dibbuns fit in well with the others, and appeared to all as ordinary beasts, as they were.
Teenaged Seasons:
Quickbow is a willing learner, a constant watcher from the walltops for any potential visitors, and has taken interest to the Recorder’s old manuscripts, for he is quite devoted to the ancient history of the Abbey. He is not like his brother, he was not unduly concerned of fighting techniques and rigorous training, and he enjoyed a good time as much as any beast. He had taken the unofficial role of Gatehouse Assistant, for he was interested in the recording of current events in Redwall, and wanted future generations of beasts to enjoy the Abbey’s fabled legend to all eager beasts.
Adult Seasons
Quickbow’s brother, Slit, has urged Quickbow to travel to try and find their long-lost parents, by traveling on a traveling caravan called the Macar Caravan, for the older hare had heard local rumblings that the traveling carts were nearing Redwall, and from there were bound to the Northlands. Slit was eager to go and follow his parent’s supposed path, and Quickbow decided to go with him. He thought it would be a nice, refreshing journey of discovery for him, and decided to keep a traveling journal on his travels, for other generations to see and learn as he once did. They caravan traveled to the Northern Mountains on their fixed path, and the two brothers decided to leave the caravan to search on their own, and tearful goodbyes were uttered to their fellow riders. The two brothers stayed in the shadows, away from the commonplace roaming bands of vermin that swept the dangerous paths of the mountains. They were searching for a lead they had gathered from a scrawny rat deserter from Kilvurf the Stoat’s band of beasts, and had convinced an answer from the traitor of the stoat’s location. They heard the pair had left from hiding in one of the numerous mountains that dotted the landscape to the Northern Shores, a place of whirling seas and deep caves. The two brothers reached the caves at the ages of twenty-five and twenty-seven seasons, their relative prime. After a search through one of the caves, they hit a lucky break; they found two old hares, huddled around a shabby fire, their fur gray for the weight of seasons. After a short chat, they found out their last name, Steelpaw. The two brothers were excited to no extent; it really was their parents! Unfortunately, the stoat may have grown old, but was still hot on the trail of the two parents, and since the family of four had delayed in leaving as they said they would, the stoat’s meager band of thirty reached the hare’s campout. The family saw their dust trail from afar, using their limited supply of arrows and stones, cutting down a small amount of them until they reached them. A fierce fight then broke out, the hares fought like mad-beasts, but the parents suffered hefty wounds from the fighting. Urged frantically by their parents, the two brothers were directed to flee from the slower vermin, for Scott and Stephney were on their last legs. Quickbow could hardly muster the strength to drag Slit away from the battle, and finally succeeded in pulling him into the small, makeshift boat the old hares had constructed in case of emergency. The hares sailed down the Great Northern Seas, coming back to Mossflower Wood by sailing to the Wood, living off the meager supplies packed by their parents into the boat. The brothers reached the wood, and were glad to see Redwall still in the peaceful state they had left it ten seasons back, and Quickbow read the journal he had kept in the long quest to the Abbey-beasts, and was appointed into the recently opened position of Recorder, following the death of the previous jobholder. Quickbow was happy and sad, happy at his new duty, a one he had desired since dibbun-hood, but also felt sad for his old friend the Recorder’s death. The two brothers were happy Abbey dwellers until the end of their days, living on the legend of Redwall Abbey.

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