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Subject: Last one was, yeah, very Marty-Stue-ish. Forget I eveer posted it. Cuz I didn't. Got it. Good. Cuz I have a better one inside.

Lettuceleaf of NK (Bio)
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Date Posted: 03:01:38 12/20/06 Wed

"My parents?"

Lettuceleaf the hare, a curious specimen indeed. Tall and lanky, he seeks attention in any form possible, while doing exactly the opposite of what people tell him to do. He has sany brown-tan fur, dotted with black. He has a tiny little scar, just above the ear. He is, yes, a mite chuby, and you have always thought that his habit dragged on the floor it was so large on him.
Yes, this Lettuceleaf fellow of Naughty Knot rarely talks about his past. But you're curious. You want to know. So you ask him.

"Yes, parents. Who were they, Lettuce?"

Lettuce. His nickname, along with Le'celeaf and Leafee. He prefers you not call him Leaffee. Only Ma Mellus calls him that.

"Er, parents?"
"Grr. Yes, Lettuceleaf. Like mommy an' daddy!"
"Umm, I'm sure I had parents, I jus' don't remember them. I knows there names, do, I no dat!"
"Well, what are they?"
"Well my Pater is Horatio Eschiot Spinebread Hardpallate Morelsdown Hefflehead Dampertt Utherin. Me mater was Dewdrop Honeyspin Hare. According to my nursemaid, they lived at Salamandastron. But they went away on a long trip, my nursemaid said, and I was supposed to be tak'n care of at Redwall! So when we get der, me nursemaid Grackleth Hoppaw Stingey dropped me off there at Redwall. And so's, here I am at Redwall."
"Yes. So you lived at Salamandastron?"
"When I was just a harf a seeson owld. Yup."
"Pretty neat. Well, G'bye, Lettuce."
"G'bye, fwend."

So now you know. There really wasn't much to learn. You walk off, wondering who Horatio and Dewdrop were.

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