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Subject: Atta's story(part 1)

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Date Posted: 03:28:09 01/14/07 Sun

Atta wandered through the woods with her ferret friend Vira. She was going to the Abbey of Redwall to live. Vira pointed her to the east and then left. The ottermaid waved after her and headed in the direction Vira had pointed. She thought about her life and her future. Atta could just dimly recall the catastrophic night when a tree fell on her family's temporary home when they went out for a swim and picnic in a storm. She was only a little otterbabe then. The tree killed her parents and the hut collapsed. The babe managed to crawl out and was rescued by a passing band of vermin healers. They raised her to the healer's way but Atta clearly had the warrior's spirit. Armed with a sling, she was swift and stealthy in tracking and had a good aim. But she still learned about the herbs. As she grew up, Atta would often visit the collapsed hut. When she grew to be a fair ottermaid, the healers sent her to live at Redwall. Now, in the distance, Atta could see the beautiful sandstone building. She felt a distant connection to it, and began to run. She reached the gates by evening, and then fell asleep, tired from her run. When she woke up, she was in a dormitory room and snuggled in soft white sheets. Although no one was in the room, she felt as if she was among friends.

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