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Subject: The story of the Song....

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Date Posted: 03:44:13 02/14/07 Wed

Song was born in the highlands. She lived with her mother, Laurelbelle, and her father, Almenton. Grandma also lived with them. When Songwind was about one, her mother became pregnant. They traveled to Redwall, since their life in the highlands was harsh. Shortly before they arrived, Songwind’s mother gave birth, early. She died in Childbirth, having twins. Two days later, Almenton, Who had a weak heart, died of sadness and a heart attack. Songwind, the twins, and Grandma made it to Redwall, after much struggling, and lived happily.
Song’s grandma died when she was ten. The death could have been prevented, if Songwind had known certain things. That’s when the maid decided to learn healing. Songwind was completely awed by the art of healing and learned as much as she could.
Songwind’s brothers left the abbey when she was 15, and they were 14. She was heart-broken. The maid left after them a week later. She couldn’t find them and after searching, helped out with a lot of battles, wandering through many places. One battle changed her. She was 16, and doing her rounds. Suddenly, she saw a young foot soldier go down with an arrow in his side. She rushed over, and they fell in love. Songwind was married to Brawn, a 20 year old warrior.. She was 17. They settled with the Guardians of Mossflower, where Songwind’s healing skills were needed.
Songwind had her first and only child at Redwall, when she was 19. Brawn had traveled with her, and stayed with his new daughter until she was 2. Then he left for an open battle field. Song lived happily with their daughter, Daffodil, until one day when she was 24, news came. Brawn was dead. Songwind left the babe with his parents, and went to see. She continued her healers job, working furiously until she retired at 65 seasons. She moved to Redwall and was reunited with one of her brothers, who had become one of the order. She found out the other had 15 children and a wife. Happy, she died a normal death at 74.

My Full name is Songwind Rosemelody Fonla Adelaide Daggerstring Herbpaw Teardrop Sorrowtune Goldbrush (Oakbrush, Brawn's last name.)

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