Soilrose Diggeria (content)
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Date Posted: 20:55:24 03/24/07 Sat
*Soilrose is a mole, but I will type the story in regular speech.*
My mother, Goodwife Soilsage Diggeria, raised me. I never knew my father, Soilclaw Diggeria, because he went questing for a spot to form a mole society, where moles could live in peace, and he never returned. I can only hope the best.
We soon fell into deep poverty. My mother could not manage raising all 17 of us, so she sent all of us to look for the Abbey, since she had heard of it. However, my eldest brother and sister stayed, since they were married and had children. Thus, my siblings and I travelled by foot.
It took us about half a season to reach the Abbey. We arrived in summer. It was then I learned about my father's fate.
He had not founded his own mole society, but stumbled upon one. My ancestors had established Moledeep, and my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother had helped to invent deeper'n'ever pie.
I love to cook and dig, but hate to get my clothes dirty. I usually wear a lilacish-pinkish-laverendish colored dress with small purple flowers at the top and bottom.
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