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Subject: I have a very sad story, it pains me to share it

Dotti the dibbun haremaid (sad, very sad)
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Date Posted: 22:23:32 01/02/08 Wed

Hello, my name is Dotti the dibbun haremaid,

I am sorry to say that I have a very sad story. This is how it goes...

I am very mischeivious, my mother and father SENT ME AWAY to live in Salamandastron to live with my Aunt! Oh, I grieved that day, now how many of you have had that happen to you? Not many I think. Well, I was not trusted in Salamandastron either and was sent -for a while- to Redwall. I would get into barrels of october ale, eat the friar's autumn cake; the one he slaved over for ten hours. Oh, it was a sad day when I was sent back to Salamandastron. I was sent back and forth 'til Salamandastron and Redwall made an agreement to take me each time for ten weeks each. I am now a reformed beast, but I still get into mischeif...but what can I say? In redwall I am a dibbun-and in Salamandastron I am a leveret. What do you expect? So that is my sad tale. Please weep tears for me or don't read my biography at all. Good bye fellow dibbuns.


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