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Subject: Re: Ipatas puts hands up as an alternative PM

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Date Posted: Mon, May 05 2008, 10:44:40am
In reply to: HWaters 's message, "Ipatas puts hands up as an alternative PM" on Wed, Apr 23 2008, 05:17:04pm

Guys, thought 2007 elections igo pinis? NA and the allies are reaping what they have sown? Did Ipatas and Piso's God igo malolo when PNG went for elections?
Are there any PP's 'mono andaege' plans that PNG is not aware of?

If you did not know, Enga rejected Ipatas as the alternate PM, he boasted to have 6 MP's from Enga to start off but the people of Enga gave him a 'big kiau' and return him as the Governor. He should be content with that and let alone national politics... Tingim PNG is a country and Enga is 1/20 provinces in PNG?????


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[> Subject: Re: Ipatas puts hands up as an alternative PM

Enga Ombudsman
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Date Posted: Mon, May 05 2008, 03:47:22pm

One very fine day, I still believe that Only an Engan will deliver this nation from captivity and lead PNG to prosperity. And that will be the time When Corruption will become history in PNG.
And Ipatas is not that chosen Engan. Ipatas is a local Bingo Master just making alot of noise because firstly he is elected the second time and thirdly that he has a party and finally he has the money (collection from playing Bingo) to back him up.
He dreaming of becomming a PM is an illusion from my understanding.
But he is the rightfully elected governor of Enga. At any era, a leader is always appointed by God whether you like it or not. And he has his own timmings to replace a leader. Maybe the others who have challenged
Ipatas last year might be far more worse that Ipatas? Who knows? Only the nature knows.
Right now support the Elected Governor to develop our Province. You go home and make a difference in your local areas and that way you will help develop Enga. So the point is: He is still the Action Governor of Enga and that must be respected at all cost by all citizens of Enga.

The poor Bishop must be replaced immediately And the priest must also be a neutral man. I'm a catholic myself and if I"m right, a priest is not allowed to contest elections. The Priest must not use the initial FR. infront of his name that is if the priest contributing here is the same priest who challenged Ipatas last year. You may come up with some very constructive arguments and ideas but at all times, you profession is to be nuetral and help people.


Enga Ombudsman

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[> [> Subject: Re: Ipatas puts hands up as an alternative PM

Fr. Robert Plews Laka (Corrections)
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Date Posted: Mon, May 05 2008, 05:59:48pm

Enga Ombudsman, (I like that term "ombudsman" in this blog). I acknowledge the position of your stand; however, I want to clear myself that, the priest who contested in the last election and the priest in this blog are not the same person. I guess this is what an "ombudsman" does here to check on the facts. More so, the point you have raised as a "catholic" does not speak my mind as a son of Enga, though priesthood is the office I hold, and you are partly right, that we are to be neutral. However, I want to stress further that this does not mean that a priest shuts himself away from issues that affects peoples and remain neutral as you perceive on the role of priesthood. Priest may be ministers with special duties, I agree with you but let us know that they also have right to run for public offices as a CITIZEN of a country, like the current president of Paraguay in Latin America who was a former catholic bishop. If you ask me why, well, I guess it is up to the choices they make, despite the office they carry as catholic ministers.

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