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Subject: Wabag Town Council Authrority

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Date Posted: Sun, Aug 03 2008, 03:18:32pm
In reply to: Sari Songster 's message, "Enga Tourism" on Tue, Jul 29 2008, 07:27:02am

if enga does not have a town council authority, this should be established. from there, every town should have their subsidiary town council authorties. wabag town council authority is needed to clean and make good the town (restrict bad habits like bring in harmful materials like axes) from home into the town.

wabag town council authority is good to sort out places like sari and promote tourism.

enga provincial government and enga provincial administration should develop a better hotel and hospitality industry; giving assistance to small hotels, lodges and rental places to accommodate toursits and visitors to see events like the enga show(limited facilities and limited visitors). the wabag town council authority should be assisted by the enga provincial government to build bigger fresh food markets for the people to sell. the visitors should have access to food while being there.

the enga provincial government and enga provincial government should assist the local people to set up cultural centres and culture-perserved areas in all districts for the tourists and visitors. this leads to the revitalization of the focus of the very dead culture centre in wabag; ensuring that these facilities are set up.

where do we start; should sari songster have the best option; let us know(being friendly; but we see alot more to be done)

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[> Subject: Re: Enga Tourism

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Date Posted: Wed, Aug 20 2008, 01:03:48am

OK.. a down to earth comment amongst the poetry.

I was a tourist that spent 3 nights / 5 days on the "Enga Experience" and stayed at Sari. Live hear in the drought stricken South Eastern Australia and you'll understand why. Mud? Mud mud glorious mud. Mud comes with rain and green and beauty.

Loved it. Great hosts. And yes... used you're the bush toilet "loo". (10 foot drop toilets are not uncommon here in some places too).

You would have no trouble selling more "Enga Experiences"... just need to get on some more of the common websites and tourist agencies.

Also... advertise a way of paying that doesn't involve carrying all that cash on PMV... eg. Pay Pal? Banking Transfer (take into account the extra fees).

Its hard to find places you can stay with "real" people in other countries... not villages made up for tourists with dressed up 'show' people etc.

Good luck with your tourism in the future!

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