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Subject: Re: Don Polye versus Alfred

Kandepian Wane
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Date Posted: Tue, Dec 16 2008, 11:23:31pm
In reply to: Wertlander 's message, "Re: Don Polye versus Alfred" on Tue, Sep 30 2008, 08:54:22am

Brothers, I am proud of all of you eventhough we may hold different views regarding so many things in life. Politics in Kandep may be one such sensitive topic where everyone wants to be Indian and no Chef. I am also proud of Don Polye and still have a lot of confidence and hope in him to change PNG and then Kandep eventually in contrast to what many of you my collegue elites think and argue. That really makes me to wonder if we are true to ourselves in whatever we are proclaiming in this forum. Only God can know our reasons behind and not me after having said so much in defense of our honourable MP from my experiences with him, opinions and analysis of the incumbent. But I may not have been perfect in all my judgements nor are you. It is a good thing to criticise though with a right frame of mind which is healthy for all. By the same token it is very dangerous for the sake of saying things with large biasness and selfish motives.
With that I wish you all my brothers and forum goers a Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year, 2009. Let us put aside our differences to come together as one to fight for a common goal. And I beg your pardon if I have let let you down. See you in 2009.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Don Polye versus Alfred

Wertlander (Kandep is a small place)
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Date Posted: Sun, Jan 04 2009, 05:26:07pm

Fellow educated elites from kandep, I am from Last Wert in Mariant (same as Don, Alfred, Peter and others). I completed grade ten in 1988 when Paul Papen was headmaster. 1988 graduates, many made to colleges and universities and are professionals all over PNG and world. Kandep High school was one of the best in Enga. I last visited the school in 2002 and was beyond comparision.
I would like to extend my greetings to Kandepen wane. You may have been a classmate, schoolmate or a junior. Forgive me bro for my comments.
My reasons for being negative toward Don are these.
People I know very well were involved in hijacking ballot boxes and casting votes for Don. There was no polling at Wert, Pura, momund, and most other places in kandep. There were several meetings held at Wara Kum, guns and money were distributed by Don to his supporters.
secondly lets be honest that nobody in Enga, let alone Kandep will win absolute majority to win an election because of our complicated social fabrics. Alfred and other candidates are no stranger to Kandep and they would have got some votes and not Don alone. This means that the election in Kandep was a failure. The supporters and electrol officials all involved in gross malpractices. This does not represent the true heart of the poor people. Your mum, my mum, and everybody else.
If Alfred won with a landslide victory like Don I would have definitely ask the same and written the same comments in this forum.
The third thing is that I don't like Don's ways of distributing public funds to his supporters for fundings of feeder roads that never exists. An example is the road from Kambia to Wert but people were paid money (his voters K100.00 and others nothing or K20.00). We need physical roads, aid posts, health centers and schools. My people from Wert do most of their shopping in Mendi which is two days walk and K8.00 PMV fare, because kandep Station can not service our people. Kandep HS is beyond repair, Murip wheat station is politicized and Liane Paranges Liane range is unpassable. Basically I am saying that we want to see physical change and not political big mouthing.
If Don can bring changes in the midst of court case and so forth then he is a true leader.
One more thing, can somebody explain how the Kandep Headmaster died, who is a true Kandepen than rest of us.
Greetings to you all. Please keep those of us not closer to home informed of the changes in Kandep and the court case.

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