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Date Posted: 16:28:12 03/28/03 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: a poem on a poster

this poem is dedicated to ALL the children of OUR CREATOR...
the CREATOR of us ALL...ALL of US...especially you!

"SOLUTION MODE" a poem by O_G_Boo
copyright 2002

is it safe to be me
to grow up and to be
that i am created to be?

will they hang me from a tree
drag me from behind a truck
shoot me in the back
mistake me for the mack
throw me in jail without any bail
for driving while black?
will I be the guinea pig
for some new designer drug
some new designer dis-ease
am I not a man and a brother
do you really want my vote
or do you just see my color?
there is more to me than meets the eye
is it safe to grow up and be me
what happened to the dream?

what happened to the pleasure
and the ecstasy
enjoyed by my mother
and my father
the moment i was conceived
we all arrived here the same way
didn’t we
why does it get so different and so difficult
once we are here?
there is more to me than meets the eye
do you see me or do you just see my color
am I not a son and a brother
what happened to the dream?

on more than one occasion
more than a million of us
have gathered together
(such a beautiful word)
to LOVE one another in the SPIRIT
of harmlessness and HARMONY
are we not the children of the same CREATOR?
do you know the I AM that I AM
or do you just see my color
what happened to the dream?

as another King said once
can’t we all just get along by any means necessary
Malcolm X bravely committed
as Marvin Gaye so boldly sang
we’ve got to find a way
to bring some LOVE and UNDERSTANDING,
Peter Allen so sweetly shared
LOVE is at the HEART of everything
and as John Lennon IMAGINED
ALL the people living LIFE in PEACE
The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King jr.
accepted the Nobel PEACE prize.
he prophetically predicted
that the future and survival
depends on our acceptance and practice
there is more to me than meets the eye
are you sure my vote will count
or do you just see my color
what happened to the dream?

it is exactly what we think
it is exactly what we say
it is exactly what we feel
it is exactly what we do
that makes our dream
exactly come true!
what you see is what you get
because what you see is what you are
as an eachness of the ALLNESS
you too
are a no limit soldier
empowered from ON HIGH
and you can do, BE, and have ALL things
that you truly DESIRE and most definitely EXPECT
I know the CREATOR LOVES you and sustains you UNCONDITIONALLY
and no matter what
there is more to you than meets the eye
do you feel your LOVE or do you just see your color?

now if it’s ALL GOOD and it’s ALL TRUTH
then we truly are ALL CONNECTED
and the dream is as true for me
as it is for you.
agree right here...agree right now
there is a way
to live our lives in PEACE
remember always
I believe in you and no matter what
there is more to US than meets the eye
can you feel the LOVE
as we LOVE our lives
and live our LOVE
every day’s a holiday...
and wherever you stand is HOLY ground...

O_G_Boo...planet earth...2003

"SOLUTION MODE" a poem by O_G_Boo copyright 2003
B.T.A.B. Unlimited Ink
P.O. Box 7469
Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33338-7469
954 527-0750
this poem is available on a beautiful 11x17 poster...would you like a copy?

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