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Date Posted: 15:55:37 08/02/02 Fri
Author: Kiche
Subject: ~Evil by Blood.~
~She yawns,and stretches out her long,lean body.Now she wasn't so restless.Her red eyes glance around boredly for nothing new had happened.She watches all that was going on,with her ears pinned 'pon her head.~
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~Evil by Blood.~ -- Kiche, 14:03:50 08/04/02 Sun
~She-wolf O' raven paint lay down in a corner all alone and by herself,ready and alert for anything to happen,though ready for nothing to happen aswell.~ When will anything exciting ever happen?
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|Turns| -- Amana, 19:25:41 08/04/02 Sun
Perhaps we should create our own action. I've done the other part of my duty, which was to find out light plans. Well, I can assure you that those wolves who attacked the Underworld seemingly ages ago were not lights. I don't believe the lights have made many attacks on us at all, although.. Perhaps we should visit Song's former pack?
(By the by.. I will be leaving for the country of France in a matter of days. And I won't be able to play Amana whilst I am on leisure. So you may well note her absences through the following weeks, however I'll try to get on when I can.)
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~Evil by Blood.~ -- Kiche, 21:13:53 08/04/02 Sun
~Grin O' hate is seen 'pon her black lips and she nods.~ I see...but then who was it that attacked The Underworld?I know O' no one else who is our enemy.. ~She-wolf O' raven hue goes silent while she ponders this for a moment.~ Anyway..Your rank in our pack has gone up,seeing that you have gotten us information that was needed. ~She nods,and continues her thinking..~

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M'lady.. -- Amana, 12:45:20 08/05/02 Mon
I shall endeavor to find out more, however I have my suspicions. They could be mercenaries, hired by the lights to attack us. Iƒ you say we have no enemies that might be the case. These attackers left no trails behind them! It was as if they attacked and vanished. Everything I discover is from a damned neutralist family who has taken it upon themselves to record events, they know so much. If I couls get a hold of Eleni for once she might tell me more.
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~Evil by Blood.~ -- Kiche, 17:30:32 08/05/02 Mon
~She nods.~ I see...

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