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Date Posted: 10:52:10 07/22/02 Mon
Author: Verdauga -Bringer Of Death-
Subject: ¤Handsome brute stalks in through the shadows¤

¤Raven brute stalks about the shadows and emitts blood-chilling howl. Brute freezes and raven dial turns up toward the canopy having heard the sound of bones and features present a wicked grin he studies the beautiful ivory skulls which are suspended above with awe-struck orbs. He chuckles ruefully as brute decides that this terra is now his home. Burning yellow orbs gaze about ivory fangs still bared knowing the owner of this artwork was surely to soon arrive upon the scene. Brute stands rigidly beneath the swaying skulls tail and dial raised demanding submission from all but the alphess¤

-Bringer Of Death-

Grey Wolf(Timber for some)



Massive wolf with a raven hued coat and burning yellow orbs. A scar across his muzzle and one across his shoulder. He has a deathly presence about him and his peircing orbs are like daggers stabbing your very soul.

Calm, cruel, malicious, and murderious. He loves to create havoc and to torture howls and whines of pain from others. A born leader although level headed enough to accept authority. Demands respect and loyalty. Experianced warrior and loves to fight. Hates when others dissobey.

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[> ~Evil she-wolf.~ -- Kiche, 18:38:41 07/22/02 Mon

~Raven she-wolf slowly approache the one o' oppsite sex,peraly daggers bared threateningly,fur bristling.Red orbs glance at the male,and she grins,in a way that shows that she is plainly evil,and never hesitates to kill.~ So you dare enter my pack terra? ~She seems to hiss this at him.~ Brave,for most turn back as soon as they see my collection... ~She tilts her muzzle towards the ivory skulls,and as she does,blood is just barely seen upon her muzzle which would easliy kill.~

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[> [> ¤Burning orbs glance at femme before returning upward, uncaring of her threats -- Verdauga -Bringer Of Death-, 19:01:07 07/22/02 Mon

¤Brutes orbs only leave the hanging art once before he speaks with a cold, venomious voice¤

"Then 'most' are cowardly why run from such artwork? It is death at it's best..How many hang 'bove? And how did they die? Hopefully a torturious death..Tis sorry I hadn't been there..It would've been fun.."

¤Finally those burning yellow eyes fall 'pon femme daggers still bared in a grin as he studies her own features.¤

"Ahh.. yes I have come to make this terra my home, and this pack my family..May I dear Alphess?"

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[> [> [> ~Evil she-wolf.~ -- Kiche, 19:13:55 07/22/02 Mon

~A grin of pure evil tilts 'pon her face,at hearing him speak of such words that he seemed worthy of such a pack as this.~ Ah,yes....Horrible,slow,and painful deaths... ~A low laughter is heard from where she stands,and a slight interest of the male sparks inside of her,but she carefully hides it where it goes unnoticed.~ Ah,yes...You seem worthy of my terra,but shall become a traitor,or give me a reson to hate,your head shall join them after a long while in the dungeon.. ~She slowly looks at the skulls,and then to the male,and cocks her head slightly.~

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[> [> [> [> |Dare To Wish?| -- Dark Demon Diablo, 19:41:34 07/22/02 Mon

|The massive mascu watches from his place in the shadows,weary of the other male's every move.He growls low in his throat.|

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[> [> [> [> [> ~Evil she-wolf.~ -- Kiche, 02:06:28 07/23/02 Tue

~She snarls savagely and lashes out at Diablo's shoulder,making small drips of blood trickle down his body,and she watches the blood fall,laughing,seemingly finding it very amusing.~ You stupid fool,back off!Tis none of your buisness what is going on over here!Go chase your tail or something! ~She snarls awaiting his departure.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ¤Raven brute's fiery yellow orbs narrow and glare upon the lower ranking male¤ -- Verdauga -Bringer Of Death-, 15:53:27 07/23/02 Tue

¤Raven brute lunges 'pon his victom, the lower ranking male. He grabs the other males neck in his ivory daggers sink shallowy into the victoms neck, causeing severe pain yet no permanent damage except for the victoms pride. He places a massize paw over the pinned wolf's neck holding him down as the raven brute poses regally over the youths¤

"Tis none of your business and you have no respect for you betters."

¤Demonic yellow orbs glare into that of the pinned wolf as he fights slaying this other wolf once he taste the warm blood trickling upon his tongue¤


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> |Dare To Wish?| -- Diablo, 16:37:26 07/23/02 Tue

|He snarls,low in his throat,but doesn't submit.| I am just protecting my new alpha,but I take no orders from a younger wolf than I. |He bares his fangs,and looks away,hate filling his eyes.|

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ¤Raven brute leans even harder 'pon fragile throat demanding even the slighter hint of submission¤ -- Verdauga -Bringer Of Death-, 17:31:43 07/23/02 Tue

¤Raven brute somewhat spits 'pon his prey's dial. Ivory daggers sink deeper into the tender flesh. He snarls viciously demanding what was his, respect and submission. Yellow orbs now glow like that of a stake burning deep snarl is emitted toward pinned one¤

"You do not seem to comprehend, what it is I'm speaking. You either submit or shut up and stop making excuses for yourself. If you even lifted a paw to save our enchantingly wickid alphess you would have been doing a whole lot more than growling. You may not take orders from a younger wolf then thee, but you will take orders from your betters. Which are our Alphess and I."

¤Releases the other brute to avoid killing him before his Alphess. He turns and faces Kiche meeting her eyes with his now calm orbs he speaks venomiously¤

"Sorry, 'bout that. I can't stand wolves that are disrespectfull. Especially towards somewolf like you trying to run a decent pack."

¤A wicked grin springs upon brute's features now completly the thought of what happened just moments ago leave all thought. He watches Kiche admiringly and wondering why this she-wolf had no mate. These thoughts soon exit his present mind although they lurk in the shadows he decides it is no business of his, or not yet anyway¤

"So what else does the desolate terra hold within?"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ~Evil she-wolf.~ -- Kiche, 17:43:50 07/23/02 Tue

~She watches,seeming to find this all amusing.~

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> ¤Raven brute watches the vixen awaiting an answer¤ -- Verdauga, 17:49:37 07/23/02 Tue

¤Glowing yellow eyes examine vixen more thoroughly now fint her very tempting yet brute 'waits hiding all emotions from blank features¤

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