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ENOUGH IS ENOUGH -- Bringer of Truth, 10:56:30 04/04/07 Wed


My wretched, evil, lying "mother-in-law", whose only goal seems to be to destroy good people or at least cause them distress in every way possible. Hater of children, infinite liar, unworthy soul.

Any agency or department that puts time and resources into seeking out and investigating (and continuing to investigate even after the allegations are proven false) lies, ridiculous "concerns", adding their own lies or dumb ideas, choosing to remain misinformed, and amplifying their own incompetence, and causing a threat to families and children in general.

So-called nurses who treat experienced mothers like they were nothing, and who feed on their own lies and pointless gossip.

To any hospital or agency which insists on keeping false allegations on file forever, thus damaging a family to some degree, no matter how "slight" at times, for potentially as long as the family exists! An inexcusable crime.

This is a valid and true strike of righteousness against the lies, unjust and undue harassment, and overall disgusting abuse directed against my family by certain individuals, primarily in Queensland, Australia, who have revealed themselves to be not only incompetent in their work, but reveal themselves as wretched and incompetent within the spirit of life itself. In other words, a true waste of oxygen.

The ironic thing in all of this is that much of it has been caused by a person who has suffered from untreated mental illness for most of her life. A person who has made a number of false allegations against not only my family, but against many others.

As if the nearly unending evil of this other person wasn't enough, she seems able to (sometimes) get people to fall into her bizarre delusions and seemingly endless path of invalid comments. Almost everything that has ever come out of this person's mouth is a lie (even simple little "details"), and we have dealt with this throughout our entire marriage for the most part. The hospital still keeps on file, the bizarre letters she has written them, which contain hundreds of lies and innuendos about my family. She has never truly answered for any of her crimes against the people she lies about. It has been over ten years for us, longer for others she has lied about and spread stories about.

It also seems that it is the job of certain nurses to make false allegations against people to departments such as the Department of Child Safety, an office that also not only promotes lies, but continues to manifest undue "investigation" and firmly hold onto invalid beliefs. This is a serious offence and should simply not be tolerated. No one should have the right to lie and make pathetic threats or follow a path of wrongful thinking that brings disruption to a good family. These people need to answer publicly for what they have done, but, more importantly, the people that originally create the false concerns by lying to any government entity also need to be exposed. They make the claim about "child safety" which they seem to use as some sort of disgusting "shield" to allow their immoral and pointless attacks on good parents. How has it come to be that the primary nature of a nurse seems to be to harass and deride a new mother and make strange claims, even lies, to other agencies or departments when she is at her most emotionally and physically vulnerable relative to recovering from a recent serious operation? What sort of barbarians would devote themselves to such acts? It is quite possible that some of this results from "records" based on past lies or fictional events, but when does it ever end?

The police (agents of distress and agents of wrong-doing in this case) push in by brute force, and arrive in an environment they have not been before, endangering our new baby (who was in a rocker near the door, a side door which we rarely use), and when my wife, not knowing who they were at all (because of the unexpected nature of this undue act against us) went to move the baby, and the poilce claim she was avoiding them, not even seeming to know why she was moving the baby from harm's way (perhaps they didn't even notice). The police continue to make ignorant remarks about us, even about the nature of what food we had in the house at the time (of course, it is impossible for someone to know the day to day shopping habits on one brief visit). The police then start to make a number of invalid comments about the nature of home education and other disgusting claims. How can the police actually endangering children and causing my young daughter to cry nearly all the next morning relate to "child safety"? My 8-year-old daughter no longer wants to live in this country because of these surreal idiots, and the only option seems to be to go to a place where there is a saner and clearer picture and where people are actually allowed to live the way they should.

By any stretch of the imagination, do NOT kid yourself that the Department of Child Safety, certain nurses, or even the police, ONLY investigate bad or abusive parents. They will use bizarre methods to deride ANY parent in any way, not only promoting old and false allegations but making threats about taking children every chance they get under the most ridiculous and often invalid "concerns". A level of righteous anger and even hatred develops against such people. How could you NOT have a righteous anger and growing hatred for such liars and those so misinformed for so long?

I swear the above to be fully true, and to expose the evil, the lies, and the misdirected resources that have manifested crimes against my family. Crimes of undue stress, worry, concern, and time-wasting puzzlement over the evil nature of the actions and invalid choices taken by people we would have thought would know better. There is no reason or even tentative justification for these crimes against my family, no purpose for the disgusting condemnation made by either the original liar, or those who follow in her footsteps, those who attack a rightful path as if they hate their own life or hate life itself.

This protest will be taken much, much farther, until the majority of people on the planet will learn of this evil and incompetence (although many, even in Queensland, already know).

Until something is done, I have no respect for those who promote such disgusting anti-family and anti-child acts under the guise of "child safety". And I have no respect for a system that can do nothing about a person with untreated mental illness, which is like literally having a sociopathic stalker in your midst.

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