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Re: Skyclaw's Hatchlings -- Lillo*Rain*Flaming Glory*Blade, 15:25:19 07/25/02 Thu
Blade flew threw the sky. He settled behind Rain and zapped his tail. Rain jumped up and started to cry. I guess the name Rain was perfect for the little sobbing blue dragon. Blade laughed hard. Kiki then flew over, grabing his brother snout she growled and slashed his face. Flaming glory quickly put a stop to this and put up a frozen box around Blade (like a large playpen) so he coun't cause any more trouble. Then she took her son in to her arms and comforted him, while at the same time healing the slashes on Blades evil face.
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Re: Skyclaw's Hatchlings -- Skyclaw, 16:59:38 07/26/02 Fri
*walks over to where the trouble was* Is everything alright?
*shakes head at Blade* You shoulda learned...
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Re: Skyclaw's Hatchlings -- Blade*Rain*Flaming Glory, 17:56:07 07/27/02 Sat
Blade growls at his mother and siblings and smashes his head agaisnt the ice freeing his jaws with a ferousious growl he comanded a thunder bolt down onto the ice surrounding the playpen. It smashed and he climbed out. Flaming glory shook her head at her son. Rain cried in his mothers arms and complained about his brother who at the moment was giving him a look of "I will get you later" type of thing. He gave an evil grimace and a snort and practiced shooting lightning at little furry animals at the passed by him. "I don't know what I'm going to do with him?" Flaming Glory said questionly to her mate.
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